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Dear Arizona Taxpayers and Tea Partiers: AFP Arizona extends a huge THANK YOU to all of the grassroots activists who came to downtown Phoenix on Monday morning to rally against the proposed takeover of the health care industry by the national government. As you know, the big special interest groups--AARP, AMA, the drug company lobby (PhRMA), and the big insurance companies--have sold out and are cutting deals with Big Government. It’s up to US to fight for health care freedom! Pasted below is information about upcoming Tea Parties and Town Halls taking place in Arizona between now and the remainder of August. Here is a table of contents for what follows: 1) Photos, Videos & Print from the Aug 17 ObamaCare Protest 2) Upcoming August Tea Party Events 3) Health Care Town Halls—Left, Center & Right 4) Why We Must Keep Up the Fight 5) We Want Market-Based Health Care Reforms 6) President Obama’s Biggest Health Care LIE 7) Join AFP Arizona, and Support Our Efforts 1) Photos, Videos & Print from the Aug 17 ObamaCare Protest KFYI 550 has a photo collection from the ObamaCare protest here:http://www.kfyi.com/cc-common/gallery/display.html?album_id=192951 More TV, video, and print-media clips from the ObamaCare Protest are posted at the AFP Arizona blog page. Here is the URL: http://www.americansforprosperity.org/081909-photos-videos-print-aug-17-obamacare-protest 2) Upcoming August Tea Party Events Friday, August 21—TUCSON The Tucson Tea Party is hosting a Recess Rally Against Socialized Medicine at the office of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, at 1661 N. Swan Road (SW corner of Swan and Pima), Tucson, 85712. The rally will go from 4 to 7 pm. More info: http://www.tucsonteaparty.org/ Saturday, August 22—STATEWIDE The Arizona Tea Party Network is coordinating Recess Rally protests at the local offices of nearly all of Arizona’s congresspersons from 9 to 11 am. One exception: the Prescott Tea Party will be meeting at the Adult Community Center at 1280 E. Rosser, NOT at the office of Ann Kirkpatrick. Please verify all of the details about local tea parties at the Arizona Tea Party website: http://arizonateaparty.com/(Scroll down to Recess Rally.) Here is ATP’s ning page for events: http://arizonateaparty.ning.com/events/822-sign-up-national-recess Monday, August 31— FLAGSTAFF The Tea Party Express national bus tour will stop in Flagstaff at 6:00 pm on Monday, August 31, across from the Radisson Woodlands Hotel at 1160 W. Route 66 AFP Arizona’s Tom Jenney will speak at the event. For local coordination, please contact John Echols: johnechols@johnechols.com More info: http://www.teapartyexpress.org/tour/flagstaff.html 3) Health Care Town Halls—Left & Center-Right At the AFP Arizona blog page, we have posted a guide to upcoming health care town halls for the remainder of August. We have sorted them into: A) Town Halls Hosted by Enthusiasts of Big Government Health Care; and, B) Town Halls Hosted by Advocates of Health Care Freedom Here is the URL for the guide: http://www.americansforprosperity.org/081909-az-health-care-town-halls-left-center-right 4) Why We Must Keep Up the Fight In speeches over the last few days, President Barack Obama has appeared to be backing away from the Fannie Med Public Option. That’s an important victory, and one that is largely attributable to the amazing groundswell of grassroots opposition in recent weeks. As Charles Krauthammer and other commentators have acknowledged, pro-freedom grassroots efforts have been a game-changer in the policy debate over how to reform health care. However, Obama and his allies only appear to be backing away from the Fannie Med Public Option. They are still committed to a Washington takeover of the private health insurance marketplace. On AFP Arizona’s blog page, we have posted an analysis of the two main scenarios that are still under consideration on the left side of Congress. Here is the URL: http://www.americansforprosperity.org/081909-why-we-must-keep-fight-against-obamacare 5) We Want Market-Based Health Care Reforms We want reform, not government rationing. We believe in moving towards universal private insurance, but on a voluntary basis. America needs to use competition and market forces to make health insurance more affordable and more portable, and to reduce the government-created inflation in the prices for health services. Here are some key reforms: A) Encourage people to get away from third-party insurance coverage.
6) President Obama’s Biggest Health Care LIE Courtesy of Georgia Congressman Tom Price, here is a quick guide to Obama’s biggest lie about the health care reform legislation currently in play on the left side of Congress: …[P]erhaps the biggest whopper is this repeated insistence by the President that you can keep your plan if you like it under the Obama system. Just as a White House aide was forced to admit, the President’s words shouldn’t be taken literally. President Obama said in New Hampshire: “Under the reform we're proposing, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” *, **, ***, **** ,*****, ****** * Claim not valid after five years as all health care plans must then meet a new federal definition for a “qualified” health care plan. (Section 102(b), H.R. 3200) ** Claim not valid if you rely on a Health Savings Account (HSA) as the construct for these plans is outlawed in the bill (Section 122 (c)(3), H.R. 3200) *** Claim not valid if you choose to make any changes to your employer-provided plan or get a different plan in the next five years, as doing so would trigger the mandate to have a government approved plan. (Section 102(c), H.R. 3200) **** Claim not valid if your insurance company makes any additions to your private, individual plan (such as including more people or adding a newly found cure for cancer), as doing so would trigger the mandate to have a government approved plan. (Section 102(a), H.R. 3200) ***** Claim not valid if your employer finds it cheaper to dump you on the government plan rather than pay for care. (Section 412, H.R. 3200) ****** Claim not valid after the federal government envelops the private market as it has done with Medicare, leaving only a government option on the table. (Common Sense) 7) Join AFP Arizona, and Support Our Efforts. We’re Fighting for Health Care Freedom—and MORE! If this email was forwarded this email to you, and you would like to join the fight for market-based health care reforms and against socialized medicine, sign up at this website:http://www.joinpatientsfirst.com Times are tough, but please give what you can to support us in our fight to save the American free enterprise system. The AFP Arizona donation page is here.http://www.americansforprosperity.org/donate-arizona To get on AFP Arizona’s alert list for federal, state, and local tax and budget issues, reply to this email, or to tjenney@afphq.org. It helps us to have your name, city, and zip code (or your state legislative district, if you know it).
For Liberty,
Tom Jenney |
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