Aug 26 - CENTRAL PHOENIX HEALTH CARE TOWN HALL – Sen. John McCain, 5:30 pm, North Phoenix Baptist Church, 5757 N. Central Ave, Phx (SE corner of Central & Bethany) 7
Aug 27 – CONGRESSMAN JOHN SHADEGG TOWN HALL – 7 pm. – 8:30 p.m. (doors will open at 6:30pm), Boulder Creek High School, 40404 N. Gavilan Peak Pkwy, Anthem .
STATEWIDE CONGRESSIONAL SCHEDULED TOWNHALLS : Below is information about upcoming health care town halls during the remainder of the August congressional recess - divided into three different types:
A) Town Halls Hosted by Undecided Members of Congress
B) Town Halls Hosted by Enthusiasts of Big Government Health Care
C) Town Halls Hosted by Advocates of Health Care Freedom
Updates the news section at
A) Town Halls Hosted by Undecided Members of Congress
Wednesday, August 26— Scottsdale 6:30 pm . Congressman Harry Mitchell Tele-Town Hall. Sign up by 5 pm on August 24. (Until Mitchell abandons the public option, federal health insurance mandates, and other forms of leftist health care legislation, we’ll keep him in the “Undecided” category.) Click here for sign-up info or visit
Monday, August 31st— Sierra Vista - Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
6 to 8 pm, Buena Performing Arts Center, 5225 Buena School Blvd, Sierra Vista
520-459-3115 or
Tuesday, Sept 1st— Green Valley - Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. 9 to 11 am,
Social Center , 1111 Via Arcoiris, Green Valley , 520-881-3588 or
Tuesday, Sept 1st— Tucson - Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. 6 to 8 pm. Saguaro High School , 545 N Camino Seco, Tucson . 520-881-3588 or
*Giffords has asked would-be town hall participants to give her office their names, addresses and phone numbers, and to type “I want to discuss health insurance reform” in the email subject line.
Request for Congresswoman Giffords
Congresswoman Giffords was one of the Blue Dogs who helped to slow down the march of HR 3200 before the August recess. And, Giffords stated in a recent email that she “will only support reform that protects our choice of doctor and hospital” and “is glad that no serious consideration is being given to any reform plan that would restrict people from keeping their private insurance.” AFP Arizona respectfully requests that Giffords not rely upon the President’s public assurances in that regard, but rather, that she read the following portions of HR 3200:
• Section 102(b), which mandates that after five years, all health care plans will have to meet a new federal definition for a “qualified” health care plan;
• Section 122 (c) (3), which would prohibit the structure currently used in Health Savings Accounts (HSAs);
• Section 102(c), which would mandate the acquisition of plans approved by the federal government by persons who choose to make any changes their employer-provided plans, or who get different plans, in the next five years;
• Section 102(a), which would mandate the acquisition of a federally-approved plan by any person whose insurance company makes any additions to his or her private, individual plan; and,
• Section 412, which allows employers to dump individuals onto the government plan.
B) Town Halls Hosted by Enthusiasts of Big Government Health Care
Thursday, August 27— Sierra Vista Sierra Vista Tele-Town Hall , Aug. 27, 6 p.m. Details at .
Saturday, August 29--Phoenix Health Reform Public Forum , Aug. 29, 10 a.m. to noon, Phoenix College Bullpit Auditorium, 1202 W. Thomas Road, Phoenix, Ariz. Details at
C) Town Halls Hosted by Advocates of Health Care Freedom
Wednesday, August 26—Phoenix Senator John McCain will hold a (real, live) Health Care Town Hall meeting at the North Phoenix Baptist Church , at 5757 N. Central Avenue (near Bethany Home ) in Phoenix , from 5:30 to 6:30 pm.
Thursday, August 27—Phoenix Congressman John Shadegg will hold a (live) Town Hall on health care issues, at Boulder Creek High School, 40404 N. Gavilan Peak Pkwy, Anthem, AZ 85086, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. (doors will open at 6:30 pm).
Thursday, August 27—Show Low White Mountains Conservatives and Smart Girl Politics are jointly sponsoring a Show Low Town Hall with Bradley Beauchamp and Sen. Sylvia Allen as guest speakers. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick has been invited to speak. The Town Hall will take place at the Hampton Inn at Wool ford & White Man. Blvd. , beginning at 6: p.m.
Friday, August 28—Tucson The Tucson Tea Party will host a Health Care Town Hall called “Positive Reforms for American Healthcare” in the Rincon High School Auditorium, at 421 N. Arcadia (south of Fifth Street, one block east of Swan Road), beginning at 6:30 pm. The Tucson Tea Party has invited Representatives Gabrielle Giffords and Raúl Grijalva to participate. The Town Hall will feature several panelists, including economist Byron Schlomach of the Goldwater Institute and Tucson physicians Lee Vliet and Jane Orient.
Monday, August 31—San Tan Congressman Jeff Flake will hold a (live) Town Hall meeting at Poston Butte High School (in Pinal County ), from 7 to 8:30 pm. Directions to PBHS can be found here:
Monday, August 31— Flagstaff The Tea Party Express national bus tour will stop in Flagstaff at 6 pm on Monday, August 31, across from the Radisson Woodlands Hotel at 1160 W. Route 66 AFP Arizona’s Tom Jenney will speak at the event. For local coordination, please contact John Echols:
More info on the Flagstaff train stop:
TBA, AFP Arizona is planning to host a new statewide series of Taxpayer Town Halls beginning in September, featuring federal issues, such as health care reform, and state issues, such as the ongoing budget deficit crisis. We will also post information about various Tea Party events coming up in September, including 912 .
-- Tom Jenney , Arizona Director - Americans for Prosperity ( Arizona Federation of Taxpayers) (602) 478-0146
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