Monday, August 25, 2008

Schweikert: Bitter-Smith Hate Mail

Yesterday, Republican voters of the 5th Congressional District received this in the mail from one of my primary opponents, Susan Bitter-Smith. I am dismayed and disheartened that a fellow Republican would stoop to such a low as to distort my record with the images of a handgun displayed in such a menacing fashion. While we all open ourselves to public scrutiny when we choose to engage in public life, it should be about the issues and facts that confront us as a party, a nation and a people.

When we have to devote our resources to deflecting messages of negativity and record distortion, it takes time and money to do so. First, we need your help by helping us to say no to NEGATIVE CAMPAIGNING. It is proper and right that we have a discussion on Susan Bitter-Smith and her votes to raise taxes. What is not appropriate is to send messages out such as she did yesterday.

Secondly, we are asking for your help in getting our message of energy security, border security, and tax and governmental reform out to the voters. In order to do so, we need those of you who have already given so much to get us this far to give just a little more. For our 72 hour push, we need you to help us make phone calls for early ballot returns, drive voters to the polls, assist our callers as office staff and so many more things. Please sign up on the web site for your 72 hour shift now!

We are so close to reaching the goal line, and we are depending on your help to score the winning touchdown.

Sincerely yours,

David Schweikert

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