Saturday, August 9, 2008

Help defeat Kyrsten Sinema

Thanks to Don Goldwater for passing this along -

Kyrsten Sinema

Ed Hedges is running against Kyrsten Sinema for the Arizona House Of Representatives in District 15. Ed Hedges needs your help in finishing collecting his $5 Clean Election Funds. Will You Help?

Ed Hedges
is a school teacher with Conservative Credentials and comes with HIGH praises and support from members of the Maricopa County Republican Committee.

Kyrsten Sinema is considered to be the most Liberal Democrat in the Legislature. She led the charge to try to pass bills making it a felony if a citizen helped identify illegal aliens to Border Patrol.

Ed Hedges, a Conservative, is running against the most Liberal Democrat in the Arizona Legislature and needs a few hours of your time. Will You Help?

Please call Ed Hedges at (602) 274-8100 and schedule your time to help. Ed's vote(s) in the House next year will be to save your money, not spend it.

Ed Hedges for the Arizona House District 15
(602) 274-8100.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is also represented by Nathan Sproul and we all know what's going ok with him and the open border crowd.