Thursday, June 23, 2011


Press release from Arizona State GOP

Phoenix, AZ – The Arizona Republican Party stands firmly behind Senator Russell Pearce in opposition to the coordinated attack on legitimate Arizona voters by the Democrat Party in collusion with their Acorn and LaRaza like community organizers. Maricopa County election officials, verifying the recall effort’s signatures, found approximately half of the signatures collected in this scheme were not valid. In one case, the recall effort submitted three signatures from one woman under the same home address. County election officials later invalidated these signatures. However, the message is clear: the recall effort, which used paid canvassers to gather signatures, is no more than democrat activists attempting to circumvent November’s election results and has only resulted in diluting the voting rights of Arizonans.

Randy Parraz, the democrat leading the effort to recall Senator Pearce, began his career as a community organizer, just like President Obama. He was also a union organizer working as the Arizona State Director for the National AFL-CIO and as a political organizer for the Laborers’ International Union of North America.

“The voice of the voters was heard loud and clear less than a year ago when Senator Pearce was elected with nearly 60 percent of the vote,” said Arizona Republican Party Chairman Tom Morrissey. “The attempt to recall Senator Pearce is an obvious political stunt the democrats are using to vilify a strong conservative advocate and distract voters from the real issues like border security. I am proud to add my support to the overwhelming majority of Arizonans who support Senator Pearce and the Rule of Law.”

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