Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Leadership Institute to offer Youth Leadership training Nov. 21-22

Youth Leadership School

Become An Effective Conservative Activist
Scottsdale, AZ ~ November 21-22, 2009

The careers of thousands of conservative leaders and activists have been launched by the Leadership Institute’s famous Youth Leadership School. Be the next conservative who learns how to win for their principles by attending this premier training.

You will learn how to:
• Organize mass numbers of students for the candidate or cause of your choice
• Increase the size and effectiveness of your conservative group
• Develop media contacts and gain media coverage for your events
• Host successful speaker events
• Develop eye-catching signs and literature that will attract others to your cause
• Identify and train potential leaders while successfully managing volunteers

Leave with great activism projects you can achieve immediately.

For only $30.00 you get meals, housing, and materials. Register for the Youth Leadership School today by clicking here.
For more information, or to register, contact me, Daryn Iwicki, at 703.647.3311.

Daryn Iwicki Email

Youth Leadership School Advance Coordinator
Leadership Institute
1101 North Highland Street
Arlington VA 22201

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