Tuesday, June 16, 2009

AFP: Press Conference Opposing Tax Hikes-- Wednesday at the Capitol

Calling All Arizona Taxpayers and Tea Partiers:

This Wednesday morning (June 17), from 8:00 to 9:00 am, the Arizona chapter of Americans for Prosperity will hold a news conference at the state Capitol to rally legislators against the billion-dollar sales tax hike proposed by Governor Jan Brewer.

Making its first appearance on Wednesday morning will be AFP Arizona’s gigantic inflatable ATM bank machine. ATM stands for “Already Taxed to the Max.” We want the Governor and the Big Spenders at the Legislature to know that taxpayers do not like being used as an ATM machine when politicians have overspent their budgets and are short on revenue.

Speakers at the news conference on the Senate Lawn will include Senate appropriations chairman Russell Pearce and many of the other state legislators who have been working hard to hold the line against tax increases. Also speaking will be Goldwater Institute tax and budget studies director Byron Schlomach and Goldwater Institute education policy expert Dr. Matthew Ladner. Taxpayer activists and representatives from allied anti-tax hike organizations are also invited to speak. AFP will post a more complete listing of speakers tomorrow on its website (www.aztaxpayers.org).

We know that Arizona taxpayers are very busy, and that unlike so many unionized government employees, you don’t get paid time off to come down to the Capitol and lobby. But the time has come to fight for your right to keep your money. It’s very important that taxpayer activists come by before work on Wednesday to make their voices heard. Please contact me at infoAZ@afphq.org to let me know if you plan to attend the news conference.

You have done a great job so far of emailing and calling your legislators, and your hard work is already paying off

Unlike the Governor, AFP Arizona believes that taxpayers count as stakeholders in the very important debate over whether or not to raise taxes.

Arizona has one of the worst budget deficit in the country, on a per-capita basis, because of the huge spending increases enacted by Gov. Janet Napolitano and the Legislature during the past six years. If Arizona can resolve this crisis without raising taxes, we will do America a great service. Arizona must serve our country as a counter-example to the dangerous national trend of tax-and-spend crisis management.

Tom Jenney
Arizona Director
Americans for Prosperity
(602) 478-0146

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