Thursday, January 31, 2008

CAP: Bioethics conference March 6-8

In this issue:

(1) Time to Pray this Saturday!
(2) Information on Presidential Candidates.
(3) March Bioethics Conference.

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(1) Time to Pray this Saturday!

Next Tuesday, Arizonans, along with voters in 23 other states, will be voting in presidential primaries. Each of the major political parties may well decide the two nominees for the general election on Tuesday. That means it's time to gather together and pray! CAP will lead a special time of prayer this Saturday, February 2, 11:00 AM at the State Capitol, 1700 W. Washington.
Scripture calls us to pray for those in authority over us. We're to pray and petition our Lord for His blessing, guidance, wisdom, protection, and mercy. This is a crucial time for our nation as we determine our next president. Please come to pray and encourage friends, family, and church members to join us in prayer for this Tuesday's election and the elections this fall. Children are welcome for this prayer time. This is a prayer rally, not a political rally!

(2) Information on Presidential Candidates.

If you are trying to decide who to vote for next Tuesday and looking for information on candidates, one option is to search for the candidates' positions on the official websites of the candidates themselves. While CAP will have Voter's Guide information available for the September primary and the November general election, we are not publishing a Voter's Guide for the Arizona Presidential Preference Primary. The full list of candidates that appear on the ballot in both the Democrat and Republican races can be found here.

(3) March Bioethics Conference.

The Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity will be hosting their first annual conference, Extending Life: Setting the Agenda for the Ethics of Aging, Death, and Immortality, March 6-8 at the Grace Inn Conference Center in Phoenix. CAP is a co-sponsor of this conference for healthcare workers, lawyers, pastors, and anyone else interested in bioethics issues. Experts from around the country will be speaking on aging, life extension efforts, dignity and dying, and more. I encourage you to make time to attend this conference - it's a great follow-up to the bioethics conference we organized last November. For complete details and conference agenda, please see the conference brochure available on the Center for Bioethics & Human Dignity web site. Act quickly: early bird registration ends on Friday, February 1.

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