Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rally this Wednesday, Oct. 3 for initiative to eliminate Phoenix's sanctuary city policy

Interesting, the REAL Pachyderm (as opposed to the nude elephants Pachyderm) is involved in this.


Phoenix, AZ, October 2, 2007


What: A press conference, rally, and fundraiser will be held in support of the family of fallen Phoenix Police Officer Nick Erfle. We the people call upon the Phoenix City Council to end its ‘Sanctuary City’ policy, i.e., Operations Order 1.4.3, and are providing the grieving public an opportunity to sign the state ballot initiative petition know as Support Our Law Enforcement’ (SOLE). The intention of the initiative is to prohibit sanctuary policies throughout the State of Arizona

Why: Yet another law enforcement officer was slain at the hands of an illegal alien. This remembrance commemorates the 25,000+ Americans, including law enforcement officers, murdered by illegal aliens since September 11th, 2001. Of which, 5 of the last 7 police officers murdered in the Greater Phoenix area were killed by illegal aliens. The City of PhoenixSanctuary City’ policy is in itself illegal, irresponsible, and reckless. The policy harbors foreign nationals illegally residing in the U.S., while continuing to place law enforcement officers and the public at large in grave danger

When: Wednesday October 3rd, 2007; from 2pm until 6pm

Where: Phoenix City Hall, 200 W Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85003 (the plaza on the east side of the building)

By Whom: United for a Sovereign American (USA) in conjunction with Riders Against Illegal Aliens, You Don’t Speak for Me, RidersUSA, Pachyderm Coalition, Patriots Border Alliance, the John Birch Society, the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, and others

Speakers: Colonel Al Rodriguez (Ret.) of YDSFM
Carl Seel, Pachyderm Coalition
Al Garza, National VP of MCDC
Rusty Childress, United for a Sovereign America
Bob Wright, President of Patriot Border Alliance
Chris Farrell, Director of Investigations and Research, Judicial Watch

Contact: Buffalo’ Rick Galeener

Organization: United for a Sovereign America
Phone: 602.992.4578
Email Address: Buffalorick@mac.com
Web site address: www.immigrationbuzz.com

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