Washington—Today, Rep. Matt Salmon (AZ-05) released the following statement regarding his vote on a few key bills that
passed the U.S. House of Representatives this week aimed at reducing federal government intrusion into the lives of Arizonans.
more than ever, Americans need their lawmakers to pass policies that
will finally unshackle the chains of government regulation, and create
an economy where the private sector
can flourish, create more jobs and spur more investment. As Ronald
Reagan once said, ‘government is not the solution to our problems –
government is the problem’.
President Reagan’s words in mind, I voted for a series of bills that
puts an end to government abuse and reduces the federal government’s
intrusion in our families and businesses.”
“Because we’ve already seen over 45,000 pages of regulation created in just 2013, I voted in favor of
H.R. 367, the Regulations In Need of Scrutiny Act (REINS Act).
This legislation states that economically significant regulations
estimated to have an economic impact greater than $100 million are
required to have the approval of Congress.
“In keeping my pledge to eliminate Obamacare and all its harmful rules and regulations, I was proud to vote for
H.R. 2009, Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act. With the IRS
and its government bureaucrats set to create an office solely dedicated
to control nearly 50 aspects of Obamacare’s implementation, it’s
critical we keep them away from this harmful piece
of legislation.
“Finally, I was proud to support H.R. 2879, Stop Government Abuse Act, which targets government bureaucrats
and officials who abuse their power. Sadly, we have seen this abuse by agencies like the IRS, EPA, and the NSA.
Congress returns to their districts for the August work period, I look
forward to talking with my constituents on ways we can further hold the
government accountable to the American
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