Monday, March 4, 2013

The March issue of Western Shooting Journal is out!

You can find it on most newsstands in stores around Arizona. Or sign up for the electronic version for only $1.89/month at This issue features plenty of interest to Arizonans. We've got an interview with Arizona's Gun Guy, Alan Korwin, about gun laws and books he's written about gun. There is a feature article by Phyllis Gross about shooting at outdoor ranges in Arizona. Keith Sipmann of Arizona explains what the scary "black rifles" are that everyone wants to ban. Carrie Lightfoot of The Well-Armed Woman in Northern Arizona explains to curvy women how they can best carry a concealed weapon. I've got an interview with actor Johnny Strong of The Fast and the Furious and Blackhawk Down, asking him about Hollywood's portrayal of guns. He's got some Strong feelings about the subject! There's an interview with Top Shot Dustin Ellerman, who won the History Channel's Top Shot competition. Plus much, much more. You won't want to miss this issue!

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