Phyllis shooting her Glock in the Arizona desert
Phyllis Gross has launched a website for Arizona women and girls who shoot in firearm competitions. Competitions include hunting, target shooting, and related events.
The Mission Statement for the website provides,
To bring due recognition to as many Arizona female firearm competitors that we can; of all ages, races, religions, nationalities and creeds. To draw attention to the women who shoot in competitions, hunting target or any other firearm competitions. We will cover the past to the present, and strive to cover all ranges in Arizona.
Click the link below to view it, sign the GUEST BOOK, make comments and submit advice please. It is UNDER CONSTRUCTION....so she needs your help!
Phyllis Gross is originally from Michigan, however since she first moved out to Cave Creek, Arizona as a child, she is proud to be an AZMichigander. She recalls first being introduced to shooting in the Arizona desert, by her father, John Gross at or near the age of 10. Along with teaching his daughters to shoot, John taught them to ride dirt bikes (motorcycles). Phyllis is thankful for the childhood memories and now the memories in adulthood that helped to motivate her to launch her new website. Phyllis has participated for years in Arizona NRA and other pro-gun events and organizations. She joined a shooting league at the Ben Avery range in North Phoenix and enjoyed the competition shooting with her first gun, a Glock 19, 9mm. Phyllis has participated in the 2011 Glock Match in 3-Points, Arizona (near Tucson) and after that competition, really desired to compete against other female shooters, along with the men she often challenged.
A few men in the Phoenix and Tucson areas have previously expressed the desire for Phyllis to start a women's group to encourage the local women to get out and join her in competitions, events and meetings. Phyllis doesn't see that in her future, but rather the vision for the website and the goal to eventually turn it into a magazine or a book.
Will you consider a donation of financial support to help her with this venture? The website has a link to PayPal for that. Phyllis is hoping to get sponsors to advertise on her website, once she gets subscriptions in place. Glock, FrontSight, Armed in Heals, and more will be approached. Can you suggest any that would benefit from being on the website? Email info@arizonafemalefirearmcompetitors.com

Rachel Alexander (a great friend of many years) posted a photo of Phyllis on the website she runs - Rachel is now an editor with Western Shooting Journal-click the link below to view it:
Want to be in Western Shooting Journal?
Email a photo of you and your gun to Rachel at :
Do you want to be featured in Western Shooting Journal or write about guns? We are always looking for interesting stories. Here are the topics: competitive shooting, self-defense, concealed carry, guns and pop culture, shotgun – skeet, trap, clays, etc., hunting (should be timely – preferably beginning to middle of season), archery, product reviews/features, shooting world celebrities/interviews/columns, reloading, black powder, gun safes, women and guns, law enforcement, youth education about guns.
Our March issue features Phyllis Gross at outdoor shooting ranges in Arizona. There's also a lot more, including an article I wrote about Hollywood and guns.
-Rachel Alexander
Final comments from Arizona Female Firearm Competitors Editor - Phyllis Gross
Women are now gaining more social and internet media attention for being PRO-GUN, rather than anti-gun.
Criminals are the negative people, illegal actions are bad. Good girls love guns! Think about that. Bad girls who are doing illegal actions with guns are indeed not to be supported by good girls with guns!
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