Friday, June 20, 2008

AZ Right to Life: Urge Governor to ban partial birth abortion

3700 N. 24th Street,

Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: (602) 285-0063

Contact Governor Napolitano and ask her to sign the bill banning partial-birth abortion

19 June 2008
A bill set to outlaw the gruesome practice of partial-birth abortion is headed for the Governor's desk and awaits her signature. In April, Governor Napolitano vetoed a previous version of SB 1048 which mirrors the federal ban on partial birth abortion and would have made it easier for state agencies to prosecute this crime. Fortunately, our dedicated pro-life legislators, along with the assistance of groups like the Center for Arizona Policy and the Arizona Catholic Conference, have now sent a revised partial-birth abortion ban to the Governor. This new bill directly addresses the two concerns that the Governor had with the previous legislation, which she claims motivated her to veto it in April. The Governor now has a second chance to outlaw a medical procedure that the United States Supreme Court described as being close to "infanticide."

Please call Governor Napolitano at (602) 542-4331 or (800) 253-0883, or email her and ask that she protect women and children from this barbaric procedure by signing SB 1048 into law.
For more information contact:
Arizona Right to Life - (602) 285-0063
John Jakubczyk - (602) 468-0030

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