Sunday, January 18, 2015

Arizona Republicans lose 32,800 voters in last two years; drop to 2nd place behind Independents for first time

This is not good. We've got to spend more time getting out the vote (GOTV = both voter registration and voting day) and less time attending meetings and preaching to the choir. From MCRC Briefs -

·       A Two Year Decline In Arizona Republican Voter Registrations is revealed in the Secretary of State’s Voter Registration Records for the 2014 Election Cycle (Jan 2013 - Nov 2014):  Comparing the January 2013 Total Republican Registration numbers (1,147,543) to the November 2014 Republican Registration numbers (1,114,743)  shows the loss of  32,800 Republican voters over the past two years.  

·       Republican Registration Has Dropped To Second Place -- below the Independents -- for the first time in state history. This two-year decline in the AZGOP voter registration  is not a good sign –considering the glowing reports we were getting last summer about the number of doors the Get Out The Vote (GOTV) teams were knocking on all across the state. Obviously we are losing ground instead of gaining registered Republicans.  If Arizona is to remain a ‘Red State,’ the AZGOP State Committeemen must select strong, aggressive leaders next Saturday - who are willing to roll up their sleeves and “get ‘er done” as we move toward the 2016 elections.  – FT


Unknown said...

I am in sales, I can tell you that a great reliable product is easier to sell than one that is inconsistent. Let's rally around the platform. Reagan found Landslide Victories were possible using those principles.

AZ Conservative said...

Why is anyone surprised? We have two Undocumented Democrats as Senators who verge on anti-Americanism at every chance. We have Republican Representatives (except Gosar) with no backbones.

I stay GOP registered just to vote in the primary, but have ZERO problem voting Dem in the general elections just to get the RINOs out of office. It's clear to me that our GOP representatives are bought and paid for by the US Chamber and work hard to bamboozle AZ citizens.

I hear much of the same from friends and neighbors who decided to pull their GOP registration in protest. But sadly, I see that AZ's GOP leadership is clueless and can't see the picture right in front of their eyes.

The latest anti-American move by the Undocumented Democrat Jeff Flake makes it clear that he's paid off by Mark Zuckerberg's group and is in bed with Barack Obama in killing American jobs.

Can all of you be proud to be a Republicans with clowns like flake and McCain having an R next to their name?

Brandy Baron said...

Can you hear us now, GOP? We're done putting up with your never ending betrayal and BS. You haven't been true to your platform or principals. (In regards to illegal immigration, you rewrite your principals.) It's time that you figured out that you're nothing without voters... and your voters are heading out the door.
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