Republican Grassroots Support Mark Brnovich
In his statement, Congressman Salmon noted, "When someone is so mired in conflict ... it's time to move on and whether you're innocent or guilty, it's time to think what's best for the people."
My primary opponent responded with an assertion that he still has the support of grassroots conservative Republicans across Arizona and that he will not back down. Traveling around the state, meeting with so many of you, we know that we have the support of the grassroots. To date, my campaign has been publicly endorsed by over 70 Republicans grassroots leaders from across the state, including:
- Len Munsil, President of Arizona Christian University
- Randy Kendrick
- The Honorable Frank Antenori, former State Senator
- The Honorable Dean Martin, former State Treasurer
- The Honorable Linda Gray, former State Senator
- The Honorable Barbara Leff, former State Senator
- The Honorable Kathleen Dunbar, former State Representative & Tucson City Councilmember
- Michelle Arnett, Mohave County GOP 2nd Vice Chair; Vice President of the Colorado River Republican Women’s Club
- Ray Sweeney, Maricopa County Member-at-Large
- Vince Manfredi, City of Maricopa GOP Chair
- Richard Mihalik, Congressional District 1 Member-at-Large
- Mickie Niland, CD 5 Member-at-Large & LD 12 Chair
- Daniel Grimm, CD 5 Member-at-Large
- Haydee Dawson, CD 5 Member-at-Large
- Laddie Shane, CD 6 Member-at-Large
- Shirley Dye, LD6 Republican Activist
- Marcus Huey, CD 8 Member-at-Large
- Bill Baxter, CD 9 Member-at-Large
- Sean McClusky, LD10 Republican Precinct Committeeman
- Lori Oien, LD10 Republican Precinct Committeeman
- David Henderson, LD15 GOP Chair
- Jerry Clingman, LD16 GOP Chair
- Sandi Bartlett, LD17 GOP Secretary
- Bert Moll, LD17 GOP Recording Secretary
- Angi Stamm, Legislative District 17 2nd Vice Chair
- Jeni White, Immediate Past LD18 GOP Chair
- Kevin Payne, LD 21 GOP Chair
- Teresa Wright, LD21 1st Vice Chair
- Eric Morgan, LD22 GOP Chair
- Paul Whetten, LD25 GOP Chair
- Charlie Ellis, LD29 GOP Chair
- John Wilson, LD29 GOP 1st Vice Chair
- Aaron Borders, LD29 Republican Activist
- Jared Gorshe, Arizona Federation of College Republican
- Lilia Dashevsky, Arizona Teenage Republican Chair
- Dylan Lefler, President, Northern Arizona College Republicans
- Carlos Alfaro, President, Arizona State University College Republicans
- Steven Lee, Vice President, Arizona State University College Republicans
- Zoey Kotzambasis, President, University of Arizona College Republicans
- Nathan Brown, ASU College Republican Treasurer
- Susan Cohen, Prescott Republican Activist
- Pam Miller, Prescott Republican Activist
- Bill Feldmeir, Yavapai County Republican Activist
- Anita Christy, Gilbert and Payson Republican Activist
- Donna Alu, President of Tucson Republican Women; LD 9 GOP Chair
- Nancy McLain, President of the Colorado River Republican Women’s Club
- Sylvia Cole, Social Secretary of the Colorado River Tea Party Patriots
- Dr. Laurence Schiff, M.D., President of the Kingman Republican Men’s Club
- Donna Johnson, 1st Vice President of the Yuma County Republican Women’s Club
- Landis Aden
- Shane Wikfors, Conservative Activist
- Jennifer Wright, Conservative Activist
- Chad Kirkpatrick, Conservative Activist
- Lisa Askey, Chandler
- Susan Hicks, Gilbert
- Debbie Smith
- Mary Baumbach
- Loraine Pellegrino
- Billie Orr, Prescott
- Pam Jones, Prescott
- Phyllis Robinson, Prescott
- Nettie Lamerson, Prescott
- Pam Calhoon, Prescott
- Steve Rutherford, Prescott
- Sue Rutherford, Prescott
- Myra Nathenson, Prescott
- Steve Nathenson, Prescott
- Robb Witt, Camp Verde
- Mal Barrett, Sr., former Chair of Yavapai County Republican Party
- Doyle Scott, Past 2nd Vice Chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee
- Barry Denton, Immediate Past President of the Yavapai County Republican Men’s Forum
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