Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Establishment John McCain endorses Ben Quayle over conservative Tea Party-backed David Schweikert

Odd how Ben Quayle only rolled out this huge establishment endorsement now, considering early ballots have been coming in now for days. It was already known that McCain was going to endorse Quayle over Schweikert. Did he roll it out this late into the election because he was worried it might *hurt* him earlier? Makes sense to me. At this point in the race, he's desperate being 20 points behind Schweikert so he decides he may as well use it. It won't help him. The voters are sick of the Republican establishment voting for the TARP bailouts. Quayle has pulled down all the establishment endorsements while Schweikert has the grassroots conservatives and Tea Parties. Read here for my full analysis of the race.

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