Sunday, June 26, 2016

Gila County Republicans Censure Senator John McCain – AGAIN

“For the second time since 2013, the Gila County Republican Party has censured Senator John McCain for his continued lack of adherence to Republican principles and the desires of his Republican constituents in Gila County as well as the extraordinary negative and misleading campaign literature and ads towards a fellow Republican candidate, according to Gila County Republicans Chairman Gary Morris.
The censure from the May 14 Precinct Committeemen meeting states, “The Gila County Republican Party cannot, and will not, support Senator McCain in the upcoming elections.
In early fall of 2013, The Gila County GOP first censured McCain for abandoning Republican principles as well as his participation and leadership in the “Gang of Eight” along with the Senator’s conscious and arrogant abandonment of the desires of his Republican constituents. Those eight senators drafted a poorly designed, ill thought out, “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” bill. Ultimately, Congress rejected the bill following substantial opposition from the public.
“Following Gila County’s lead in 2013, other Arizona County and Legislative Districts also passed resolutions censuring McCain for his abandonment of Republican principles. That led to the Arizona Republican Party, at its January 24, 2014 State Statutory Meeting, also passing a resolution, by a large margin of votes, to censure the Senator, for his abandonment of Republican principles.
“McCain’s troubles with Arizona Republicans continued. As an unannounced and surprise speaker at the State Statutory Meeting in January, 2015, the Senator was booed and shouted down immediately upon entering the convention hall by more than 800 attendee’s, which continued for several minutes as he attempted to speak. Shouts of “Trust is earned” and “Go home” were repeated over and over.
“McCain has continued his arrogant abandonment of Republican principles and the desires of Republican constituents in Gila County, thus the motivation for the second resolution to censure the Senator, according to Morris’s press release.
“With Senator McCain’s history, the Gila County Republican Party cannot, and will not, support the Senator in the Primary election on August 30th and suggest Republican voters seriously consider another Republican candidate who has a committed and demonstrated history to Republican principles and who can properly represent the desires of Republican constitutes in Gila County.” – Contact: Morris 602-803-7366
Gila County Republican Party Censure of Senator John McCain
When candidates for office campaign as Republicans, the electorate expects them to commit themselves to Republican principles when in office, and further.
ü  Senator McCain was, at one time early in his career, a staunch Republican, and committed to Republican principles, as well as committed to serving the interest of his Arizona constituency, and further;
ü  Senator McCain’s recent and past legislative performance demonstrates a drift to left of center in favor of Democrat philosophies and principles, and further;
ü  Senator McCain has demonstrated greater interest in, and has repeatedly demonstrated support of Democrat interests, and less support of Republican interests, and
ü  Whereas Senator McCain has amassed a long record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrat interests, such as amnesty, funding for Obama Care, raising the debt ceiling, and he continues to support liberal judicial nominees, while avoiding any demonstrated opposition to the liberal assaults on the Constitution and the second amendment, and
ü  Whereas Senator McCain’s record of failing to support Republican principles and much of his sponsored legislation has been harmful to the citizens of Arizona and the United States; and,
ü  Whereas Senator McCain has campaigned as a conservative and made promises during his re-election campaigns, such as the needed and welcomed promise to secure our borders and finish the border fence, and yet he has repeatedly failed to aggressively pursue or support those promises; and
ü  Whereas Senator McCain has abandoned the core values of Arizona Republicans and has been eerily weak or silent in opposing Democrat legislation and Democrat assaults on Republican principles; and
ü  Whereas Senator McCain has repeatedly and publicly severely criticized, or reprimanded, fellow conservative Republicans in Congress and his own party, therefore;
ü  Be it hereby resolved that the Gila County Republican Party censures Senator McCain for his continued disservice to the Republican party, the citizens of our state and nation, and;
ü  Be it further resolved that until the Senator consistently champions, and demonstrates support for, Republican principles and our party's platform and values, we, the Gila County Republican Party in Arizona will no longer support, campaign for, or endorse John McCain as our U.S. Senator. - May 14, 2016,  Gila County Republican Committee 


Unknown said...

Censured by Arizona Republicans twice in the last three years! #establishmentJohn’s days are numbered! #VoteKelli #WARD4AZ to #RetireMcCain — Remember vote for Kelli with an ‘i’ for Integrity! #IntegrityMatters for #AZSen #PJNET

Unknown said...

Censured by Arizona Republicans twice in the last three years! #establishmentJohn’s days are numbered! #VoteKelli #WARD4AZ to #RetireMcCain — Remember vote for Kelli with an ‘i’ for Integrity! #IntegrityMatters for #AZSen #PJNET