Cross-posted from Gilbertwatch
There is far more that the public needs to know than has been reported about Russell Pearce's so-called "insensitive comments," and I intend to report it. Then, and only then, will I "move on."
It wasn’t the "mainstream" media that originally published the misleading story about Russell Pearce’s comments. It was Stephen Lemons of the tabloid Phoenix New Times. It’s important that Republicans know about Lemons, who calls himself the “feathered bastard,” and about the Phoenix New Times. Both are infamous for their venomous articles against Republicans and, in particular, conservatives. Stephen Lemons has made a career out of stalking Russell Pearce, trolling for anything that can be turned into dirt, attaching a lurid title and publishing it. To say that the man is merely obsessed with destroying Pearce and his livelihood assumes that Lemons is sane.
Don’t you think that 6,690 hate-filled articles against one person is a tad suspect? I wouldn’t give the Phoenix New Times or any of its shiftless, creepy writers the time of day, much less an interview. (I’d have to take a shower afterward to wash off the slime.)
Here’s a link to those (at last count) 6,690 articles. That's 690 pages of titles, 10 to a page.
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