A m e r i c a n P o s t - G a z e t t e
Distributed by C O M M O N S E N S E , in Arizona
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Conservative Leader Urges Party Faithful to Fight to Elect "Real Conservative"
Thomas poised to take the conservative base in the gubernatorial primary

A Fight Worth Having
By Andrew Thomas
Speech to the Arizona Republican Party Chairman's Dinner
January 24, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
Good evening.
make it a practice not to begin speeches by quoting a liberal
journalist. But I'm going to make an exception tonight because last
week, Dan Balz of the Washington Post wrote something that I think all Republicans should heed.
the past three decades," he noted, "the political leanings of many
states have shifted dramatically. What once was a sizable Republican
advantage in the Electoral College has become a decided Democratic
What he says is undeniably true. Structurally, over the past thirty years, Republicans have lost ground. Why?
submit it's for the same reason that, according to polls, most
Americans believe our best days are in the past. It's because
Republicans are not properly standing up to the liberal bullies who are
determined to destroy our country.
Lost Institutions
decades, the political left has waged a quiet guerrilla war to capture
institutions of American life that wield great power. These liberal
activists have been very effective. Like the kingdoms in the The Lord of the Rings
that fall one after another to Sauron, major institutions are now
firmly liberal and hostile to the conservative values that built this
institutions include academia, Hollywood and the arts, the courts, the
news media, even many churches. The Democratic left and their agenda
have gained influence, accordingly, with the many leaders and citizens
who value approval and acceptance by these elite groups.
success of their efforts has brought us economic and social problems
unthinkable only a few decades ago. Exploding government debt, broken
borders, and disintegrating families are only part of the story.
developments carry other grave consequences for the Republican Party
and our state and nation. I'll focus on two areas: education and
Allan Bloom Was Right
states that are trending blue and Democrat have one thing in common.
They are increasingly the home of college graduates. This should not
come as a surprise. After all, college professors overwhelmingly are
liberal Democrats, academia being one of the institutions completely
overrun by liberal activists. Today, college students go heavily into
debt to receive degrees they frequently can't even use, and parents pay
to have liberal professors indoctrinate their children politically on
their dime.
Some 72 percent of college professors describe themselves as liberal. Only 15 percent call themselves conservative. A
2010 analysis by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute concluded that
the more college degrees a person earns, the more liberal that person
Americans are asked, for instance, whether they believe public-school
teachers should be allowed to lead a prayer in school, 57 percent of
high-school graduates say yes. That number drops to 40 percent for
college graduates, 30 percent for master's degree holders, and only 17
percent for Ph.D.'s.
late Allan Bloom and other observers warned about the damaging effects
of liberal bias in higher education. But this was a thorny problem to
solve, and so it was ignored. Now, three decades later, it has changed the country. As a practical political matter, it has become much harder to elect Republicans.
Back Where We Began
there's immigration. Ten years ago, I ran for Maricopa County Attorney
on a platform of stopping illegal immigration. Liberal elites
snickered that nothing could be done at the state level. Yet Arizona
became a model for the nation, as we passed and enforced laws that sent
illegal immigrants fleeing to other states.
political left counterattacked by playing their trump card: calling on
our liberal courts to nullify all these reforms. And so they have.
Activist judges have struck down, one by one, every major crackdown on
illegal immigration approved by the voters or their representatives.
The main provisions of SB 1070. The human smuggling law. The day
laborer law.
result? Our gains have been erased, and we are right back where we
started ten years ago. The voters of Arizona are waiting to see if the
Republican Party is still serious about providing tough leadership to
win this fight once and for all.
A Fight Worth Having
election year, we will decide if our party is to succumb to the liberal
trends overrunning so many other institutions, or if we will stand and
fight for the principles that bind us. I say we must stand up and fight
these people, and fight them hard.
principles are right. These principles are true. Some of them are
eternal. They are worth defending, without compromise.
Electing a real conservative will mean having a real fight. But that is a fight well worth having.
It's time to start taking ground again. As Governor, I promise to do just that.
Thank you and God bless you.
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