Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chris Widener's Twelve Pillars of Success!

Chris Widener is a conservative and successful businessman in Washington state. Support a conservative business and learn his secrets to success. He is coming to Arizona on April 7 to give his seminar, register now, only $37. Register now.

Make More Money, Build Your Business, and Have More Fun!

Join us for a fantastic morning of inspiration and success with internationally acclaimed speaker and author, Chris Widener.
Chris Widener was the last protege of Jim Rohn and together they created the Twleve Pillars of Success, which was Jim's last book ever published, co-authored by Chris.
Chris will be sharing his and Jim's wisdom for life from the Twelve Pillars in a very dynamic and engaging three hour seminar that will give you the tools you need to succeed in business and life! Seating is limited to only 300 so be sure to get your tickets today!
Here are just some of the lessons of wisdom you will learn from the Twelve Pillars of Success:

Income Seldom Exceeds Personal Development - Learn how growing personally will put more money in your wallet. If you don't change your situation won't change and you won't make any more money than you already do. Now you can unlock that door!
The World Can Always Use One More Great Leader - Learn how you can become a leader and influencer and make a difference in the world around you. Learn how to gain the trust, respect and admiration of others so you can change their thoughts, beliefs and actions.
Live a Life of Three-Dimensional Health - Learn how you were designed to succeed by understanding the body, soul and spirit connection. Most people have no understanding of how this works and why they can't succeed.
The Gift of Relationships - Learn how to have incredible relationships and surround yourself with the best kind of people. No more toxic relationships!
Achieving Your Goals and the Proper Use of Time - Learn the power of priorities and how to get your goals and make the most of your time. Never again say to yourself, "I just don't have the time."
Becoming a Life-Long Learner - Learn how purposefully grow in wisdom and to take everything that happens to you and turn it into lessons and wisdom that will move you aling the road of success.
Communication Brings the Common Ground of Understanding - Learn the secrets to one of the most difficult things to do: Communicate effectively for success. Understand the real process of communication and how to utilize it for your benefit.
Leaving a Legacy - Learn how you can leave a legacy of success for others to reap the benefit from, even after you are gone. Live life now so it is better for yourself an dothers later!
And much, much more!
You will not want to miss ths event. Seating is limited to only 300 seats and it will sell out FAST!
Order right now and be sure to bring a friend (or ten)!


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