Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tonight on our KKNT Alexander & Goldman Show: The DREAM Act

Israel Ortega
Tonight on the Alexander and Goldman Show we will be discussing The DREAM Act with Israel Ortega from the Heritage Foundation and their Spanish language website, During the second half of the show we will interview Jesse Hernandez and Alice Lara from the Arizona Latino Republican Association to get their thoughts on the DREAM Act and the renegade sham Republican Latino organization Somos Republicans. Listen from 6-7pm to hear the inside scoop on what the DREAM Act is really about, whether it will pass, and who supports it. Senators Kyl and McCain? The DREAM Act would provide a path to citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants who came to this country illegally, instead of penalizing them by making them return to their country of origin first. McCain and Kyl have supported "comprehensive immigration reform" in the past, which ended up including the DREAM Act. Listen locally in Phoenix to AM 960 or listen live over the web at

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