Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Zillow cleared to operate in Arizona

Zillow.com, the popular web site that provides people with estimates of home property values, gained legal protection in Arizona with passage of SB1291.

The bill, which passed the House Tuesday with an emergency clause on it, protects Zillow and other online sites that provide estimates of property values but are not appraisals. The bill became necessary when the Arizona Board of Appraisal threatened to shut down Zillow. The bill goes to the governor for her signature.

“Government should not be trying to deny its citizens access to information,” said. Rep. Michele Reagan, R-Scottsdale and chairwoman of the House Commerce Committee.

The Arizona Board of Appraisal sent two cease and desist letters ordering Zillow.com to stop offering its free service in the state. The board is also considering suing the Seattle-based company despite its wide popularity in Arizona and around the nation. In addition, the board asked the Arizona attorney general to prosecute Zillow.com for offering “zestimates.”

“The Board of Appraisal tried to stifle access but I am glad the Legislature stepped up to support the free market,” said Reagan, the chief sponsor of the measure.

For further information contact:

Barrett Marson, Director of Communications

Arizona House of Representatives

Office: (602) 926-3233, e-mail: bmarson@azleg.gov

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