Wednesday, September 23, 2009

AFP: Join Rep. John Shadegg for a Health Care Tele-Townhall

Today, the Health Care Takeover bill formally begins markup in the Senate Finance Committee.

For months now, you and I and literally hundreds of thousands of grassroots activists have been working non-stop to protect our health care from an over-reaching, Big-Brother government.

Now, we're entering the decisive final phase with crucial votes and hearings in Senate Finance. I have two action item requests for you:

1. National Tele-Town Hall Meeting Tonight. Tonight at 8:00PM Eastern Time we're holding a special National Tele-Town Hall meeting to brief you on the first day of the Finance Committee's markup and to detail key provisions still in the health care legislation. Our special guests for this call will be Congressman John Shadegg and Nina Owcharenko, Senior Policy Analyst for health care at The Heritage Foundation's Center for Health Policy Studies.

To join us, call 888-356-3090 at 8:00 pm ET and enter the extension 13383.

You'll have the opportunity to ask questions and give us your thoughts on where we stand.

2. National Summit on Oct. 2 & 3. In less than two weeks on October 2 and 3, AFP will be co-sponsoring the 3rd Annual Defending the American Dream™ Summit and AFP Foundation just added national radio host and FOX News contributor Laura Ingraham. As you may know, Laura is a breast cancer survivor with a powerful message on the health care issue. I'm thrilled that she can join us for the October 2nd "Tribute to Reagan" Dinner.

On Friday, October 2 at 2:00pm ET, Americans for Prosperity will be hosting a National "Hands Off My Health Care" Town Hall meeting at the U.S. Capitol. We're urging folks attending the National Summit to come in early for this National Town Hall meeting.

Congress will actually be in session and most likely debating the health care legislation on October 2 during our National "Hands Off My Health Care" Town Hall meeting at the U.S. Capitol. That's why I'm urging you to consider attending our Summit. CLICK HERE for more information.

After our National Town Hall meeting, we will break up into state groups and go into the Senate office buildings to visit your Senators' offices. By the time we get to October 2, these Senators will have heard day after day from lobbyists, Obama Administration officials, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid and all the liberal special interest groups. On October 2, they need to here from folks like you and me. And, that's what we're going to do.

This past weekend, President Obama went on five network talk shows. He followed up with David Letterman last night. The president believes he's having trouble "getting his message through to Americans."

Respectfully, I disagree with him. Based on my travels across our nation since July, our fellow citizens are hearing the president loud and clear -- and Americans don't trust the president when he says a government takeover of health care will save money, not increase taxes and still let them keep their own health coverage.

That's why polls show more than half of Americans OPPOSING the health care takeover.

Our job is to finish strong and with your continued determination that's exactly what we're going to do!

Tim's Signature

Tim Phillips

PS: Please join us tonight for the Tele-Town Hall Meeting! To join us call 888-356-3090 at 8:00 pm ET, and enter the extension 13383 when prompted at 8:00 pm ET.

For all the information about the Defending the American Dream™ Summit and to register, visit!

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