Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thanks Arizona voters for choosing McCain - and his illegal electioneering on the taxpayers' dime continues

Every day during the campaign I saw McCain Senate staffers visiting my website, only reading the articles about the McCain-JD Hayworth race. McCain has now won the primary over JD, enabling his staffers to continue their illegal opposition research on the taxpayers' dime. Thanks Arizona voters, you have voted to continue this kind of corruption. And hello again to the McCain government staffers who brazenly flaunt the law, knowing your boss is powerful and enables you to continue. If this is the kind of behavior we can see, makes you wonder what kinds of unethical things they are doing that we haven't discovered? Doesn't matter, Arizona voters would still vote for him. Your tax dollars at work, ensuring that corrupt incumbents get reelected by doing their campaign work on the taxpayers' dime.

Visitor Detail: 31  August  2010
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 Entry Page:  John McCain continues to smear JD Hayworth â013 even after winning « Intellectual Conserva... 
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