Monday, May 17, 2010

Arizona Right to Life PAC Announces Endorsement of Bill Montgomery for Maricopa County Attorney

Phoenix, AZ- May 17, 2010 -Arizona Right to Life Political Action Committee ("AZRTL PAC") announces its endorsement of Bill Montgomery in the Republican Primary for Maricopa County Attorney. 

"Bill is a strong and steadfast supporter of the sanctity of life from conception to natural death," said Walter Opaska, Chair of AZRTL PAC.  Montgomery becomes the third candidate supported by Arizona Right to Life this election cycle.

The Arizona Right to Life Political Action Committee is Arizona's oldest, largest, and strongest political pro-life organization.

Support our efforts to elect Pro-Life Candidates to office!
Donate to the PAC Today!

Arizona Right to Life PAC
3333 N 44th St., Ste 4
Phoenix, AZ 85018
(602) 285-0063

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