Friday, May 23, 2008

AZGOP Tusk Times


Chairman's Message

Guest Column - Rep. Bob Robson

Guest Column - Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Guest Column - Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas

Event Updates


Republican News


Fellow Republicans,

I am proud to report the 2008 AZGOP Victory Dinner and State Convention were great successes. The Victory Dinner, keynoted by Michael Reagan, was over-booked and required expanding the room to add tables! The State Convention had roughly 1,500 people in attendance, including nearly 1,000 delegates representing all eight congressional districts.

Many of our Republican elected officials joined us at our convention and we are thankful they took time out of their schedules to do so. U.S. Senator Jon Kyl spoke to the large crowd early in the morning on the importance of supporting our nominee for President of the United States, Senator John McCain. Congressman John Shadegg got the crowd fired up when discussing the asinine plans the Democrats have to socialize our country. Congressman Trent Franks extolled the importance of voting for men and women who make it a priority to safeguard our country from those groups of people who make it a policy of resorting to violence toward, and the destruction of, America. Secretary of State Jan Brewer and Treasurer Dean Martin both addressed the crowd and talked about the overwhelming need to elect Republicans at the state level who will work to balance our budget, reign in spending and not raise taxes.

Now, we are shifting our focus to the National Convention being held in Minneapolis, MN. Though still months away, excitement for the convention is growing daily. Expect to hear from us via my blog frequently when at the convention.
Again, many thanks to all who were involved making state convention such a success. We could not have done it without you.

In your service,



The Budget Mess

By Arizona House Speaker Pro Tempore Bob Robson

As most of you are painfully aware, the economy, both here and nationally, slowed significantly in the last year. The revenue figures in the current state budget never materialized and some reductions had to be made. To fix the billion-plus shortfall, we also dipped into the state’s savings account and used money sitting in special funds.

Maintaining the current level of service and accounting for growth in our schools and prisons, Arizona would need nearly $2 billion more than we anticipate receiving in revenue. Clearly, the state cannot spend at its current pace. Yet, we also must be sensitive to the needs of all of our residents.

I sponsored a bill that would have frozen hiring for non-essential personnel. A hiring freeze is one of the best ways to control and reduce costs at the state. Unfortunately, the governor vetoed the bill. She did, however, instruct executive agencies to freeze some openings.
The new fiscal year begins in July and legislators are at work to reach a deal for the budget that makes some reductions while ensuring core functions are not harmed. The Arizona state budget has nearly doubled in the last six years. We now have to look at some of the spending of the last few years and make some painful but needed reductions.

Click HERE for Representative Robson's website


A Letter from Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Dear Fellow Republican,

As the election approaches, it becomes clearer every day that as Sheriff of Maricopa County, I have a serious fight on my hands.

The Democrats are lining up against me, waging a strong battle to unseat me. The liberal media which blatantly supports the Democratic candidate and social activists, even some elected officials from the Democratic party, including the Governor herself, are out in force raising money, spreading lies and doing whatever they can to stop me dead in my tracks.
Why? Primarily because they despise what I am doing to fight illegal immigration.

Make no mistake. The Democrats want Arizona to be an “Open Borders State” and Phoenix, a “sanctuary city.”

You and I, however, do not. We understand the high cost of uncontrolled immigration into a community.

As Sheriff, I remain the only law enforcement authority to enforce all aspects of the immigration laws. It is what I was elected to do and I will not shirk that responsibility simply to win political favor with moderates and the press.

I know this issue is of primary importance to you as well. That is why I am asking for your financial support. Your contribution of any amount up to $390.00 will go far in insuring the future of our community.

These are tough times economically for many of us which makes asking you for financial help difficult. But we have to think about what is at stake. If a Democrat becomes Sheriff, illegal immigrants will have nothing to fear. There will be no one to fight their entry into this county. This must not happen.

Contribute today by sending a check to my campaign headquarters at 10632 North 71st Place, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254. If you prefer, go to my website, and simply fill in the information on the donation page and paste it into this email reply.

Immigrants have helped make this country what it is today - the greatest nation on earth. But those who did so, entered this country legally, like my parents and probably like some of your relatives did. We don’t want to stop immigration. But we must stop the huge flow of illegal immigration before this country loses its identity and before our tax supported social services like education and medical care crumble from the strain placed on them by undocumented aliens.

Thank you for your contribution and most of all, thank you for helping to preserve our American way of life.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio


Illegal Immigration and Possible Health Risks

By Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas

Many Americans say that the problem of illegal immigration makes them sick - they may be more right than they know.

Immigrants who come to the United States legally are required to undergo a medical evaluation performed by a licensed, highly-trained doctor. The doctors test for communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV, syphilis, and leprosy, and ensure that applicants for citizenship have received required vaccinations. Immigrants who come to the United States illegally receive no medical evaluations and therefore risk introducing diseases into US communities.

One such dangerous disease is tuberculosis, commonly known as TB. TB, an airborne bacterial infection that takes root in the lungs, kills approximately 2 million people per year worldwide.

Read more HERE


PHOENIX CAMPAIGN SCHOOL: May 31st from 9:00am – 3:00pm at ASU West. The AZGOP, in partnership with The Aarons Company and The Leadership Institute, will host an in-depth grassroots campaign school. Topics covered will include: voter identification, message development, Get Out The Vote (GOTV) and debate techniques, just to name a few. Voter Vault 3 training will be done separately, after conclusion of the campaign school, from 3:00pm-5:00pm. For more information and to register click HERE.

TUCSON CAMPAIGN SCHOOL: May 31st from 9:00am – 3:00pm at ASU West. The AZGOP, in partnership with GOPAC, will host an in-depth grassroots campaign school. Topics covered will include: voter identification, message development, Get Out The Vote (GOTV) and debate techniques, just to name a few. Voter Vault 3 training will be done separately, after conclusion of the campaign school, from 3:00pm-5:00pm. For more information contact Linda White at 520-971-8384.


Reinhard to Bittner: Congress controls Congress

Governor Thwarts Will of the People

Republican News

NRO Editorial: Do Nothing Congress
NY Post Editorial: McCain has the right approach on judges
George Will: Alice in Housing Land
Karl Rove: The GOP Must Stand for Something
Seattle PI: Racism seeps through Dem primaries

Convention Note: At the state convention there were several slates of suggested delegates (to the national convention) passed out to delegates. The AZGOP-McCain Unity Slate received overwhelming support. A Ron Paul slate was also presented at the convention and the following people requested the AZGOP make public the fact they did not give permission for their names to be used on the Ron Paul slate. Those individuals are: Chris Dahm, Karen Fritz, Juan Ramos, Geneva Arthin, Kathleen Jacobs, Terri Kibler, Martin Hermanson, James Holman, Bjorn Meyer, Diana Arendt as well as Tom and Charleen Marshall.

Arizona Republican Party - 3501 N 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85016 - p: (602) 957-7770 e:

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