Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Experts say Catherine Miranda signature forged on election documents

This is why we need Daniel Coleman elected to this office, time for liberal Democrat Catherine Miranda to go! This comes as no surprise, Catherine Miranda's brother-in-law, Richard Miranda, who was also a state legislator, recently resigned when it was discovered he had committed felony wire fraud and attempted tax evasion. He sold a building owned by a non-profit he ran and pocketed the money. Read about it here. Her husband is former state legislator Ben Miranda, known for his outspoken hatred of all things conservative, and considered one of the most liberal members of the legislature.
Experts say Catherine Miranda signature forged on election documents
Rep. Catherine Miranda's known signature (shown above) and the signature in question (shown below)
Handwriting analysts have concluded that Rep. Catherine Miranda’s signature was forged on documents she submitted to the Citizens Clean Elections Commission, and a “vast majority” of her campaign contributor signatures do not match signatures on file.
Documents obtained by the Arizona Capitol Times also show that the handwriting analysts, William Flynn and Kathleen Annunziata Nicolaides of Affiliated Forensic Laboratory, tried to determine if Miranda’s husband, former Rep. Ben Miranda, signed her name. They couldn’t say conclusively whether he did, nor could they exclude him.
The Capitol Times obtained the report through a public records request of the Citizens Clean Elections Commission.
Catherine Miranda’s adult stepdaughter, Maritza Miranda Saenz, was the notary public who vouched for Catherine Miranda’s signature, a questionable action since notaries are supposed to be impartial and prohibited from notarizing documents for relatives by marriage or adoption. She works in Ben Miranda’s law office.

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