Monday, October 10, 2011

CAP: Arizona Abortion Numbers Down

Arizona Abortion Numbers Down! 
Earlier this week, CAP obtained the latest reported abortion numbers for Arizona. In September of 2010, 1,053 abortions were performed in Arizona. This September, 729 abortions - that's 324 fewer abortions - a 30% decrease! That number is also down from 1,069 abortions in August of this year. Simply incredible.

What happened? 
Following the August court ruling upholding the 2009 Abortion Consent Act, Planned Parenthood announced they would stop providing abortions at 7 of their 10 clinics. Arizona's new laws now ensure that all women considering an abortion are given an ultrasound exam and are provided the opportunity to see those results and to hear the baby's heartbeat. Now, non-doctors are not allowed to perform surgical abortions, and doctors must be involved in the care of all women seeking abortion.

These initial numbers are the fruits of your partnership with Gov. Brewer, state legislators, and CAP to make a difference to empower women and give them the opportunity to make an informed choice. The work is far from over - I anticipate further lawsuits from the abortion industry. For now, our CAP Policy Team is assessing what else can be done to protect women and preborn children. And, I hope you rejoice with us that lives are being saved.
Support your Local Pregnancy Care Center
Over the last week, I've been honored to speak at three pregnancy care center fundraising banquets. The work of the almost 50 pregnancy resource centers in Arizona means more now than ever. As the new pro-life laws take effect, women facing crisis pregnancies will turn to your local pregnancy center rather than an abortion provider. Please do what you can to help those centers thrive and meet the overwhelming needs. 
Live From the Values Voter Summit  
As I'm sending this, I'm in Washington, D.C., for the 6th Annual Values Voter Summit sponsored by FRC Action. I will be seeing in person 7 of the 8 GOP presidential primary candidates, and many other national leaders. You can watch the presentations streaming live online on Family Research Council's website here. I'll also be tweeting live from the summit - follow me on Twitterhere. 
Redistricting Impacts Everyone  
Pursuant to a constitutional amendment passed by Arizona voters over 10 years ago, the Independent Redistricting Commission is currently drawing the new congressional and legislative district lines, as every state must following the 2010 census. Supposedly, the IRC process was going to remove "politics" from redistricting as the politicians in the legislature would no longer have that responsibility. Well, the IRC process hasn't been without politics and plenty of controversy. This unelected and unaccountable commission has the power to change dramatically critical factors leading to the election of our state legislature and nine federal congressmen. Redistricting will have an impact on everyone in our state. The results could dramatically affect CAP's ability to promote and defend your family at the legislature.

Study Supports Exodus International's Work  
Earlier this year, Exodus International, the nation's leading ministry for individuals who struggle with homosexuality, came to Phoenix for their Love Won Out Conference. Every time I hear Joe Dallas and the teachers at Exodus, I'm impressed by their compassion and commitment to God's Word and helping people come out of the homosexual lifestyle.

A new study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy shows that Exodus' program is effective at helping people with unwanted same-sex attraction. Exodus doesn't offer a "gay cure" as the media likes to say but does say that by God's grace, change is possible for those that truly seek it.

Still Time to Get Your Tickets for the Faith in Action Tour  
The Faith in Action Tour with Dr. Del Tackett is less than a month away. We've already had a tremendous response to this event, but there are still tickets available. Click here to get yours! Space is limited.

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