Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Andrew Thomas for Governor on Jim Sharpe's radio show: I am the true conservative in the race

In case you missed Andrew Thomas's guest appearance on the Jim Sharpe show on Friday, here is a loose transcript (the audio starts 30 minutes in here):

I am the true conservative in the race and people can see that. We’ve been sold a line of bull the last few elections. We were told build a dang fence, no amnesty. That didn't happen. Republicans are tired of those false campaign promises and they want someone they can trust. That is what I did as county attorney. Attacking illegal immigration had never been done at the local level anywhere in the U.S. That’s a record I can point to. I’m a conservative and I stand up for the Second Amendment and marriage and I have a long record of supporting those. Voters have a clear choice, a conservative who will get the job done on this key issue of border chaos.

We need to put the National Guard on the border, I am calling for 3,000. Perry is putting 1,000 on a larger border, but he has a river to help him. We need to build a fence, finish the fence. I’ll demand that the feds pay for it, but this Obama administration will probably refuse. So we’ll need to get approval by the legislature and voters to approve the funding. Welfare reform will pay for it, by moving people off the welfare rolls. We also need to deal with the liberal courts that are throwing out all our illegal immitration laws. The ACLU and the left wait until we pass laws, then they go get a liberal judge to throw them  out! That’s a critical component..

Voters need meaningful information about judges when they cast a ballot. In Maricopa and Pima counties, the voters have never heard of most of the judges!

It’s a very tough fight to take on illegal immigration, you’re called every name in the book. I’ve borne personal attacks as a part of that, but that’s what is required. We’ve gotta get someone who will take on this supreme issue for Arizona. We had great success fighting it in Maricopa County.

I took on liberal judges in Maricopa County in 2007 who were refusing to enforce border approved crackdowns on illegal immigration. That produced five years of them attacking my law license. Everyone who has taken on illegal immigration has been attacked. The other people in this race do not bear those battle scars because they conveniently didn’t enter this battle until the race for governor. Maybe they can point to one or two votes, but that’s not much.

We have to get control of our courts. I was not able to thwart those attacks as Maricopa County Attorney. As governor I can do that. We will finally be able to hold these people accountable. Otherwise, all of our hard work will be nullified by liberal judges.

If we take care of the border, these other problems will be much more manageable, we’ll have the money for them because we won’t be feeding and clothing anyone who breaks into the country and demand free services and jobs, etc. We need someone who will safeguard our constitutional rights. I opposed the Obamacare Medicaid expansion, I was out front exposing it last year. We need someone to stand up and defend marriage and the family at a time when these institutions are under attack, because we're going to miss them when they're gone. If you do, you’re attacked by left wing interest groups and celebrities. I don’t care. I got into politics for the right reasons, and I want to be governor for the right reasons; it is to defend principles that are right and true, and some are eternal – they deserve to be defended without wavering from a true conservative and that’s what I offer.

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