Wednesday, August 4, 2010

David Schweikert for Congress: Contribute Now - last day of critical financial reporting period

Today is the last day in a critical financial reporting period.
Send the message to Congressman Harry Mitchell, Nancy Pelosi, and the big spenders Washington - - Government is beholden to the People, and we have had enough. We are taking back our government, and we are electing a true conservative warrior who will fight for us. Your $10, $35, $100, or $250 contribution right now has never been more important!
Last night, Senator Russell Pearce joined us on a telephone town hall. Over 5,000 of you were on the call and I want to say thank you.
The energy behind our campaign to take back our government is outstanding. This campaign is about you!
Our freedoms at are at stake, and we are fighting back.
We will stop the out of control spending in Washington with common sense fiscal responsibility.
Make no mistake - - the tax-and-spenders will have nowhere to hide.
You and I know what this election is about. If we fail to act, there may not be an America for future generations. That is why the time is now. The call is urgent. Please support our campaign with your most generous contribution.
As Ronald Reagan said, “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth… Government is beholden to the people, and it has no other source of power except the sovereign people.”
Our message is clear and our movement to save our country grows stronger every day.
I thank you for your commitment,

P.S. Senator Pearce was kind enough to endorse me. He shares my belief that we need strong conservative leadership in Washington. We will fight, and we will not give up! Please take a moment to listen to this radio ad. I hope you enjoy it.
Please join us at one of our upcoming events
David Schweikert - Advocate for the TaxpayerWednesday, August 4th, 2010
Maureen Hamilton
cordially invites you to her home for a
in support of

David Schweikert for Congress

8643 E. Turney Ave, Scottsdale

David Schweikert - Advocate for the TaxpayerFriday, August 6, 2010
Oscar & Shirley Casdorph
cordially invite you to their home for a
in support of

David Schweikert for Congress

6204 S. College Ave., Tempe
Please consider a minimum donation of $25

David Schweikert - Advocate for the TaxpayerThursday, August 12th, 2010
Linda Longazel
cordially invites you to her home for a
in support of
David Schweikert for Congress

9270 E Thompson Peak Pkwy, Scottsdale
Please consider a minimum donation of $35

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