Sunday, June 6, 2010

What do these three Senators have in common?

All three voted for the billion dollar pork TARP bailouts.  
Liberal Republican Senator Bob Bennett was voted out of his primary election this year on May 8. Former liberal Republican Senator Arlen Specter was voted out of his primary election on May 18. Next in common: Liberal Republican Senator McCain is going to lose his primary election on August 24, as the voters choose JD Hayworth instead, who has a lifetime rating of 98% from the American Conservative Union over 12 years in Congress. McCain's score dipped to 63% in 2008 due to his support for the pork TARP billion dollar bailouts.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the voters of Arizona remember that the definition of insanity is to keep sending McCain back to the Senate and expecting different results. Vote J.D. Hayworth and help us save our country.
