Thursday, October 15, 2009

Arizona’s Former Dentist of The Year Launches Robust Bid to Unseat Ann Kirkpatrick in Congressional District One

Nearly $150,000 Already Raised and Pledged For Next Year’s Election

FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2009. More and more rural Republicans are looking to a doctor to clean up the House. Well, actually a dentist. Dr. Paul Gosar announced today his campaign kick-off to unseat Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick in Congressional District One.

“Congress is an absolute mess. And more lawyers, lobbyists and career politicians are not the answer. More small businesspeople like myself are the answer. After all, how can Congress even begin to solve real world problems if those serving there are less and less a part of the real world?” Gosar asked.

The 24-year Flagstaff resident, dentist and small businessperson noted that of the 435 people in the U.S. House of Representatives, 170 are lawyers. In the U.S. Senate, that percentage climbs to 58%.

“Only an out of touch Congressperson would think an agenda with a dangerous health care plan, bailouts for Wall Street and General Motors, stimulus plans for liberal special interests not American taxpayers or small businesses and crushing budget deficitscould be a recipe for re-election,” Gosar said.

“And in the case of Congresswoman Kirkpatrick I respect her desire for public service but besides her misguided policies, running out on constituents in Holbrooke wanting to talk about health care alone is enough of a disqualifier,” Gosar said.

“People will get to know they have no better friend on issues involving life and the constitution than me. However, to win this seat a Republican will need a broader agenda,” he said.

Such Gosar reforms will include:

*The Public’s Right To Know: No party in power should be allwed to ram legislation down the throats of the public or lawmakers without time for sufficient review and debate. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s brazen attempts to bulldoze critical legislation like health care and energy taxes through the House of Representatives should not be tolerated, no matter which party one hails from. That’s why Gosar supports a reform to require a 72-hour waiting period before the introduction of a bill and when it can actually be voted upon.

*Balanced Budget Amendment: The Republican Party and United State Congress need to return to spending restraint. Deficits are out of control and unsustainable. It’s time to re-introduce a Balanced Budget Amendment to restrain Congress. Households don’t get to live beyond their means. States must balance their budgets. It’s time for Congress to do its part.

*Winning The War On Terror: Jimmy Carter showed the dangers of American weakness. Gosar is concerned President Obama is going down the same path. America must be strong and that means winning the War on Terror, especially in Afghanistan.

*Independent Congressional Ethics Review: Congress has proven unable to govern itself when it comes to wrongdoing by members of the body. That’s why an independent panel of former judges of law enforcement officials must be established to investigate and punish wrongdoing by Democrats and Republicans, Gosar said. “Current investigations such as those of Charlie Rangel and previously those of Republicans have in many cases become toothless and ineffective. Serving in Congress should be a point of pride for the American public not the butt of jokes,” Gosar said.

The 50-year old husband, father of three, bow hunter, outdoor and sports enthusiast has been traveling all over Congressional District One for the past several months. He said fundraising has gone very well, something he expects to continue through the election.

“We will have the resources, message, life story and endorsements to take this seat back for Republicans and Americans. And we will continue to release new details on our reform agenda for Congress,” Gosar said.

“Once we win this seat for Republicans we need someone with the energy and passion to govern it – and hold the seat moving forward. I believe I am that candidate. I do not have the baggage others may offer national Democrats to spoof their candidacies the day after the election with millions in television ads. Instead, I am just the small businessperson who got up off his couch and decided that enough is enough with what is being done by Congress to the American people,” he concluded.


Dr. Gosar was the first of 10 children born in Pinedale, Wyoming. A graduate of Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, he moved to Flagstaff in 1985 to begin practicing as a dentist. He has since served as the President of the Northern Arizona Dental Society and Arizona Dental Association. In 2001, Dr. Gosar was recognized as the Dentist of the Year. Active in the community he has served as a Little League coach, Junior Basketball coach, a volunteer for the Pine Country Rodeo and an avid supporter and buyer of the 4-H program. He is married to his wife Maude and has three children.

For more information go to

Contact: Jason Rose
Rose & Allyn Public Relations
Office: 480.423.1414
Mobile: 602.791.4488

For Immediate Release

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