Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Passionate Plea to Contribute to Arizona Right to Life

I would not be writing this if our financial situation were not so dire. I am the Secretary for the Board of AZ Right to Life, and urge everyone to please consider contributing right now to AZ Right to Life, even if just $5 or $10. If 1000 of you contributed $5, that would be $5000, which would get us mostly through the financial crisis. Due to the bad economy, contributions are down everywhere for charities. Some will not survive. I hope this is not the case for AZ Right to Life. The work AZRTL does to protect the unborn as well as all life is invaluable. Women call us up asking about where to get an abortion, and our staff is able to direct them to a crisis pregnancy center, many times resulting in saving the life of the baby. Our PAC gets involved in elections by endorsing candidates, many times tipping the balance in favor of prolife candidates. We send speakers into the schools to educate children about embryos, fetuses, and pregnancies. Those of us on the board work long hours without pay, we survive with only 3-4 paid staff members, and most of them are part-time.

You probably know some of our hardest workers. Attorney John Jakubczyk, past President of the board and currently Vice-President, devotes countless hours of his time for free helping women with legal issues related to pregnancy and abortion. Jinny Perron, our current President of the board, is responsible for the beautiful galas and conferences AZRTL puts on every year without any compensation, bringing in nationally reknowned experts from around the country to teach the public about life issues. Melanie Welsch Pritchard, the charismatic young mom who is Education Director for our affiliate, Life Educational Corporation, has spoken to thousands of youth on life issues. Dr. Carolyn Gerster, longtime chair of the Board, is a doctor who founded AZ Right to Life and specializes in medical testimony to Congress and many other organizations. There are several more board members, who have made valuable contributions to the group. We have an impressive, hardworking team of volunteers who accomplish a lot together, but the organization needs a minimal amount of money to survive, in order to pay for the staff work, computers, paperwork, etc. I urge you to please, please consider contributing no matter how small. Those unborn babies you save will be forever grateful.

You can give a onetime donation online, or sign up to give monthly amounts. Or, contribute to our affiliate, Life Educational Corporation, which is tax deductible. Either one will greatly help. Please reference my name in the comments area because we'd like to track how many contributions come in through new media, thanks.

Join our facebook group here

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