Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Maricopa County deporting record number of illegal immigrants

Vinnie Picard with ICE said almost 39,000 illegal immigrants have been deported from Arizona since last October, up more than 5,000 from the same timeframe last year. That number is expected to top 50,000 by this coming October, when ICE ends its fiscal year.

A lot of credit goes to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, Picard said.

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1 comment:

  1. There has to be a better way. I read about the NATIVE BORN AMERICAN citizen name Muos who was held for 15 hours with ILLEGALS. My entire family are NATIVE BORN AMERICANS. My name is Ramon Argila deTorres y Sandoval. I was BORN IN AMERICA but if I get stopped in Arizona I'll be thrown in jail under threat of deportation. Where are they going to deport me to? Pueblo, Colorado where I was born? I believe if they profile an AMERICAN a penaly under law should be imposed. As for ILLEGALS? No problem. They should be here legally. If not, then no job, no medical, no social service benefits, no school for their children. Go back home, come in legally, pay taxes, do it right.
