Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Romney Victory In Michigan Boosts Arizona Supporters, Prospects, Sheriff Joe Arpaio Says

Fresh off an important victory in Michigan, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Governor Mitt Romney's Arizona supporters are fired up and ready to continue campaigning throughout the country and leading up to Arizona's February 5th presidential election.

"Washington is broken. The economy is suffering. It's time for Mr. Fix It and that is Governor Romney. He has now received more votes than any other Republican candidate. He's in it to win it and I am proud to be standing by his side," Arpaio said.

Arpaio himself has been to Iowa and New Hampshire to campaign on behalf of Governor Romney. He also recorded a phone script about Romney's tough stand on illegal immigration that was distributed to Michigan voters.

Arizonans have been helping throughout the country, including a contingent that went to New Hampshire last week to help campaign and fundraise for Governor Romney.

Arizonans, including "America's Toughest Sheriff," will continue to make a difference for Governor Romney as the campaign now heads to Nevada, South Carolina, Florida and the February 5th states including Arizona.

In addition to Sheriff Arpaio, Governor Romney has been endorsed by State Senator Chuck Gray, State Rep. Rich Crandall, State Rep. Mark Anderson, Queen Creek Mayor Art Sanders, Coolidge Mayor Tom Shope, former Pima County GOP Party Executive Director Ed Parker and numerous business and political leaders.

Romney for President

phone: 602-791-4488

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