Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Recap of Horizon's Friday night Journalists' Roundtable

Sonoran Alliance had a good post yesterday describing a portion of Friday night's Journalists' Roundtable which discussed Attorney General Terry Goddard's stonewalling of the corruption investigation into Goddard's office. The Yellow Sheet (subscription-only) picked it up, see article below. In addition, the Roundtable discussed Governor Napolitano's visit to Mexico to meet with border governors. It was observed that although Napolitano might agree with the border governors on some things, ultimately she is accountable to the voters of Arizona, not Mexico.

The journalists next discussed Pima County prosecutor Barbara LaWall's refusal to handle Prop. 100 cases (no bail for illegal immigrants accused of serious crimes) where an employer is already involved in some type of case with her office. One of the reporters, Mark Flatten, said that he'd spoken with a prominent legal ethics attorney in town who told him that he didn't see any conflict. It was speculated that leaders like LaWall are trying to come up with things in order to avoid having to enforce the law. It isn't going to work, the presiding judge of the Superior Court already tried that and lost.

There was a discussion about Hillary's fundraiser in Tucson, which is tonight. A new poll in Arizona shows Hillary surging in the polls. However, it also found that 37% of registered voters would never vote for her. That leaves a large number of independents she'll have to reach in the general election in order to win. It was noted that McCain is barely ahead of Giuliani in the poll, probably because of McCain's position on illegal immigration.

'Liberal journalists' shy away from Goddard?

ARTICLE POSTED 10.1.2007 | 2:38 PM

A conservative Tucson blog site says Arpaio's probe into the Petersen-Goddard matter is causing "liberal journalists" to distance themselves from the AG.

Sonoran Alliance uses Horizon's coverage Friday on The Journalists Roundtable as an example. "[T]he liberal journalists hung Goddard out to dry," the blog stated.

That's not how others who watched the program see it.

"Well, [Tribune reporter Mark] Flatten did say it ‘appears' Goddard is trying to hide something from the sheriff, but Flatten added there is no evidence he made a deal with Petersen for a light sentence," said a regular viewer of the show.

The blogger continued, "It will be interesting to continue watching this investigation unfold and see whether the Valley's papers subtly continue distancing themselves from Goddard."

The viewer said one only has to pick up Sunday's Viewpoints section in The Republic for an answer to that question: A Goddard column on fraud occupied nearly all of the page.

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