Monday, October 15, 2007

CAP: speaker Nov. 3 & Pinnacle Forum Oct. 20

(1) "Hands Off Our Ovaries!"

Jennifer Lahl, Founder and National Director of the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network (CBCN), is one of the primary cosignatories on a rapidly growing list of women calling for a moratorium on harvesting women's eggs for research purposes. The moratorium would stay in effect until all women asked to "donate" eggs for research are given adequate information about the extreme health risks involved. The list can be found at If you're wondering what all the fuss is about or how this relates to a sanctity of human life ethic, take a minute and watch Jennifer's speech via a YouTube video called "Trading on the Female Body." Then plan to hear Jennifer in person in Phoenix on November 3. A nationally-recognized expert on the exploitation of young women by researchers, Jennifer is one of our featured speakers at our November 3 bioethics conference, "The Biotech Century: Facing Our Future." CBCN is co-sponsoring the event as well.

Make your reservation by Monday, October 15 to qualify for the "Early Bird" price of $30 per person. After Monday, the price per ticket will increase to $45. For more information on the outstanding lineup of experts and to see the conference schedule, visit Remember - purchase your tickets today!

To check out what Charlie Markle said on the radio today about Jennifer Lahl, visit to hear his radio commentary.

(2) Getting the Truth Out

Our emphasis at CAP on communicating a biblical worldview is central to our mission to defend and protect our families. That worldview discussion begins with a focus on what is truth and how to apply absolute truth to our daily lives. That is why CAP has placed such a large emphasis on Focus on the Family's Truth Project groups. For information on what Truth Project groups are starting in your area, visit

Another great opportunity for men to share the truth with their friends is at the upcoming Pinnacle Forum breakfast at Phoenix Country Club at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday October 20. Lee Strobel, former Chicago Tribune legal editor, former atheist, and author of the newly released book, The Case for the Real Jesus, will be addressing the "Truth about Jesus" from the Bible. For more information, call the Pinnacle Forum office at 480-609-7000. Cost for breakfast, which includes a copy of Lee Strobel's book, is $30. Space is limited, so make your call today!

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