Monday, June 25, 2007

AZ GOP to drop the G

A new local political satire site has popped up, The Arizona Report. This is really, really funny, quoting Brett on a plane Mecum. Pullen must be running for governor -
In a surprise move, the Arizona Republican Party announced today that they would be dropping the letter G from their traditional name and going with the new name “Rand Old Party.” This move is an attempt to draw a closer connection between the Arizona Republican Party and its current chairman Randy Pullen.

“Chairman Pullen is the face of the Arizona Republican Party,” said Brett Mecum, AZ ROP Communications Director, “It’s a simple move that brings the connection even closer together. His name is all over all of our press releases, website, and everything else we are putting out. Why not have the party start with the first four letters of his name?”

The general reaction from the party faithful has been very positive. James Sweetwater, 62, of Sun City said, “Personally, I had hoped that they would go with the RAND OLD PARTY to emulate the way Chairman Pullen always puts his name in capital letters at the end of everything he writes.”

“I think that the term ‘Rand’ is also an old German phrase meaning against illegal immigration,” explained Susan Timmins, 75, of Scottsdale, “At least, it should mean something like that.”

The party also announced that it would be releasing a new mascot to coincide with their strategic shift. Their logo (pictured) will contain more references to Chairman Pullen and will be featured on all of their materials for the upcoming 2008 election.

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