Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Dean Martin endorses Mark Brnovich for Attorney General

Today, Republican candidate for Attorney General Mark Brnovich received the endorsement of the Honorable Dean Martin, former Arizona State Treasurer and State Senator.

“I am delighted to endorse Mark Brnovich for Attorney General,” said Martin. “Mark is the strong, dedicated, honest leader we need to be Arizona's Top Law Enforcement Officer."  Martin continued, "Conservatives and moderates agree that we need honesty and integrity in our leaders, especially our Attorney General. For too long, Arizona has suffered with a dysfunctional Attorney General mired in scandals and criminal misconduct.  We need Mark Brnovich to clean up this scandal-ridden office and bring honesty and integrity back to this high office.  It is time for a new Attorney General, and I urge others to stand beside me for honest leadership.  I am proud to endorse Mark Brnovich."

As Senator, Martin was a leader in tax reform, immigration enforcement, and child predator legislation.  Among his signature achievements, Martin authored the landmark “Chris’ Law”, which prevents child predators caught "red-handed" from posting bail and absconding justice. Martin also authored landmark legislation to prevent child predators on parole from moving in near schools.

Martin is familiar with the challenges facing the next Attorney General.  Martin was elected State Treasurer in 2006 to clean up another scandal-ridden office after the previous Treasurer resigned in disgrace.

As Arizona's Chief Financial Officer, Martin was responsible for the custody and management of state and local monies.  Called "Chicken Little" by then Governor Janet Napolitano for his economic forecasts, time proved Martin right as his warnings were accurate predictions of the "Great Recession" and allowed him to earn taxpayers over $1.2 billion in profits from his investments.  In 2011, Martin returned to the private sector and is currently an active member of the business community as an entrepreneur and multiple business owner.

Mark Brnovich remarked: “It is an honor to have the endorsement of a public servant like Dean Martin. Dean has shown that when you stand by principles and integrity, you can do great things for the people you represent.”

Dean Martin joins U.S. Representative Trent Franks, former State Senator Linda Gray, County Attorney Bill Montgomery, Representatives Debbie Lesko, Paul Boyer, T.J. Shope, Arizona Christian University President Len Munsil, Coolidge Mayor Tom Shope, and national conservative leaders like David McIntosh, in endorsing Mark Brnovich for Arizona Attorney General.

Raised in Arizona, Mark Brnovich is a graduate of Arizona State University. After law school, Mark prosecuted felonies in the Gang/Repeat Offender Bureau of the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office and worked as an Assistant Attorney General for Arizona and as Assistant US Attorney for the District of Arizona. Mark also served his country as the Command Staff Judge Advocate for the 153rd Field Artillery Brigade of the Arizona Army National Guard for eight years. Mark met his wife Susan while both were working as prosecutors. They live in Phoenix with their two daughters.

For more information about Mark Brnovich, please visit

Liberal Republican Tom Horne reaches settlements over his alleged wrongdoing; taxpayers left on the hook

We find the timing suspicious, liberal Attorney General Tom Horne reaches settlements over his alleged wrongdoing this early into his reelection campaign, in order to avoid the ongoing scrutiny leading up to the primary election. Meanwhile, taxpayers are left holding the bag as the government picks up the tab for his alleged wrongdoing. Remember this is the married guy who went over to his mistress's house during lunch, hit a parked car, then left without leaving a note, all witnessed by the FBI which was staking him out over the campaign finance allegations - and the hit and run isn't even what the settlements were over! How much are the settlements for? An excerpt from the Phoenix New Times article about the settlements, this should give you some idea how much the settlements will end up being:
The first involves AG investigator Meg Hinchey, who sued Horne, the state, and Horne chief deputy Eric "Rick" Bistrow last year after filing a notice of claim for $10 million in 2012 for retaliation, slander, and harassment.
The other is a campaign finance case against Horne and former campaign operative Kathleen Winn (now the AG's outreach director). In October, Yavapai County Attorney Sheila Polk ordered that the pair pay back nearly $400,000 in ill-gotten campaign contributions or face triple damages.
Mark Brnovich, a real conservative who is challenging Horne in the primary, had this to say, "Tom Horne is a classic bully and the only way to stop a bully is to fight back. Meg Hinchey fought back and blew the whistle on Horne and his staff when she believed he was covering up campaign state finance law violations and attempting to destroy records. The problem is that while Tom Horne settles with Meg Hinchey, Arizona taxpayers are left holding the bill."

It's time to clean house and elect someone with ethics. Click here to read about Brnovich, who I've known well since had offices next door to each other at the Attorney General's Office. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tim Schwartz, author of McCain censure, destroys both Chris Matthews and his liberal commentator on Hardball

Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews thought he was being clever by trying to bring up a red herring, whether or not Obama was legitimately elected, in order to discredit Tim, but Tim wisely dodged it and brought the conversation back to the censure. Matthews keeps repeating over and over again throughout the entire interview that McCain is 100% with the GOP on foreign policy, but he's full of it. McCain votes with interventionist Democrats in recent years. Matthews' liberal sidekick declares that McCain has a conservative record on prolife issues and Obamacare, but that's not true either. I resigned from the board of Arizona Right to Life after they continued endorsing him, because his record was so poor (voting for government funded embryonic stem cell research was the final straw). McCain goes back and forth on whether we should repeal Obamacare. Matthews claims that the vote to censure McCain was a fringe minority, which is a crock because the vote was 1,150 to 351 (77% approval) of all the county precinct committeemen across the entire state.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Liberal Republican Tom Horne AWOL on joining Attorney Generals standing up to Obamacare

This is precisely why we need conservative Republican Mark Brnovich as AG, time to clean house. Where was Tom Horne when it came to challenging Obama on Obamacare? 11 Republican Attorneys General have signed onto a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius questioning the constitutionality of the president’s latest executive action that allowed insurance companies to continue offering plans that had been cancelled.The letter calls the rule change "flatly illegal." Republican Attorneys General from Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas and Virgina signed it. Where was Tom Horne? Only conservative when it's convenient.  

Obama Criminalizes Dissent, Goes After Dinesh D’Souza

In 2012, conservative author Dinesh D’Souza produced an anti-Obama documentary, 2016: Obama’s America. The film earned over $33 million at the box office and was the highest-grossing documentary since 1982. The outspoken Christian conservative and bestselling author also released a book that year, Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream. Previously, in 2008, D’Souza gave Obama’s half-brother George $1,000 for a medical emergency when Obama would not respond to George’s pleas for help. George lives in a 6 by 10 foot hut in the slums of Kenya, and told D’Souza, "You're the only guy I know I can call." George then appeared in D’Souza’s documentary, expressing his disappointment that Obama had not responded to his request for help, “he’s supposed to help his family.”

It doesn’t appear to be a coincidence that the Obama administration is now targeting D’Souza for minor campaign finance violations. Last week he was criminally indicted. But what does this really mean? There is an old saying that a good prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, and as a former prosecutor, I agree.

D’Souza helped raise $785,000 for a friend of his who was running for Congress, Wendy Long. After he and his wife maxed out contributing the legally allowed $5,000 to the campaign, federal authorities claim that he illegally reimbursed straw donors for another $20,000 secretly coming from him. He faces up to seven years in prison if convicted.

In contrast, when Democrat Senator John Edwards received numerous $2,000 donations from support staff and paralegals at large law firms, many all on the same day, nothing happened to him. Overlawyered reported,

Washington periodical The Hill digs deeper into the curiously uniform $2,000 contributions Sen. John Edwards' presidential campaign got from so many receptionists, paralegals and other low-level staffers at plaintiff's law firms. The $2,000 donors include many employees who had not given to candidates or even voted in the past, and others who are listed on the voting rolls as Republicans. Many spouses and relatives of the staffers likewise contributed the maximum. Some of the munificent staffers have recently gone through the kind of personal financial reverses -- bankruptcy filings, for example -- which would not seem to correlate in the natural order of things with having a large available checkbook for political donations. "In many instances, all the checks from a given firm arrived on the same day -- from partners, attorneys, and other support staff."

Read the rest of the article at Townhall

Sunday, January 26, 2014

I Am a Republican

Watch the story of Travis Angry, a young black man who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks but turned his life around and now proudly claims he is a Republican.Travis Angry

Travis Angry2

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Andrew Thomas Speech Well Received by State Republican Activists

A m e r i c a n  P o s t - G a z e t t e
Distributed by C O M M O N S E N S E , in Arizona
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Conservative Leader Urges Party Faithful to Fight to Elect "Real Conservative" 
Thomas poised to take the conservative base in the gubernatorial primary

Republican precinct committeemen were buzzing that Andrew Thomas stole the show at the Arizona Republican Party Chairman's Dinner. Read his speech and see for yourself why he was interrupted with strong applause multiple times and what the buzz is about.

A Fight Worth Having
By Andrew Thomas

Speech to the Arizona Republican Party Chairman's Dinner
January 24, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona

Good evening.
I make it a practice not to begin speeches by quoting a liberal journalist. But I'm going to make an exception tonight because last week, Dan Balz of the Washington Post wrote something that I think all Republicans should heed.
"Over the past three decades," he noted, "the political leanings of many states have shifted dramatically. What once was a sizable Republican advantage in the Electoral College has become a decided Democratic advantage."
What he says is undeniably true. Structurally, over the past thirty years, Republicans have lost ground. Why?
I submit it's for the same reason that, according to polls, most Americans believe our best days are in the past. It's because Republicans are not properly standing up to the liberal bullies who are determined to destroy our country.
Lost Institutions
For decades, the political left has waged a quiet guerrilla war to capture institutions of American life that wield great power. These liberal activists have been very effective. Like the kingdoms in the The Lord of the Rings that fall one after another to Sauron, major institutions are now firmly liberal and hostile to the conservative values that built this nation.
These institutions include academia, Hollywood and the arts, the courts, the news media, even many churches. The Democratic left and their agenda have gained influence, accordingly, with the many leaders and citizens who value approval and acceptance by these elite groups.
The success of their efforts has brought us economic and social problems unthinkable only a few decades ago. Exploding government debt, broken borders, and disintegrating families are only part of the story.
These developments carry other grave consequences for the Republican Party and our state and nation. I'll focus on two areas: education and immigration.
Allan Bloom Was Right
The states that are trending blue and Democrat have one thing in common. They are increasingly the home of college graduates. This should not come as a surprise. After all, college professors overwhelmingly are liberal Democrats, academia being one of the institutions completely overrun by liberal activists. Today, college students go heavily into debt to receive degrees they frequently can't even use, and parents pay to have liberal professors indoctrinate their children politically on their dime.
Some 72 percent of college professors describe themselves as liberal. Only 15 percent call themselves conservative. A 2010 analysis by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute concluded that the more college degrees a person earns, the more liberal that person becomes.
When Americans are asked, for instance, whether they believe public-school teachers should be allowed to lead a prayer in school, 57 percent of high-school graduates say yes. That number drops to 40 percent for college graduates, 30 percent for master's degree holders, and only 17 percent for Ph.D.'s.
The late Allan Bloom and other observers warned about the damaging effects of liberal bias in higher education. But this was a thorny problem to solve, and so it was ignored. Now, three decades later, it has changed the country. As a practical political matter, it has become much harder to elect Republicans.
Back Where We Began
Then there's immigration. Ten years ago, I ran for Maricopa County Attorney on a platform of stopping illegal immigration. Liberal elites snickered that nothing could be done at the state level. Yet Arizona became a model for the nation, as we passed and enforced laws that sent illegal immigrants fleeing to other states.
The political left counterattacked by playing their trump card: calling on our liberal courts to nullify all these reforms. And so they have. Activist judges have struck down, one by one, every major crackdown on illegal immigration approved by the voters or their representatives. The main provisions of SB 1070. The human smuggling law. The day laborer law.
The result? Our gains have been erased, and we are right back where we started ten years ago. The voters of Arizona are waiting to see if the Republican Party is still serious about providing tough leadership to win this fight once and for all.
A Fight Worth Having
This election year, we will decide if our party is to succumb to the liberal trends overrunning so many other institutions, or if we will stand and fight for the principles that bind us. I say we must stand up and fight these people, and fight them hard.
These principles are right. These principles are true. Some of them are eternal. They are worth defending, without compromise.
Electing a real conservative will mean having a real fight. But that is a fight well worth having.
It's time to start taking ground again. As Governor, I promise to do just that.
Thank you and God bless you.

John McCain censured by entire Arizona Republican Party

 More information below about multiple Arizona GOP censures of McCain

January 23, 2014
Media Contact: Timothy Schwartz
Resolution Author/Legislative District 30

You are cordially invited

Press Conference

Regarding Resolution Censuring Sen John McCain

A resolution censuring Senator John McCain will be brought to the floor during the Jan 25 AZGOP meeting in support of resolutions that have been passed by five Arizona GOP County Committees – Maricopa, Apache, Cochise, Gila and Mohave.

Jan. 25, 2014, at 3:00 pm
Outside the Grace Community Church map in Tempe. Conference will be held on Dorsey Lane/Southern Ave. Dorsey is the street on the Eastern boundary of the Church property.

* * *

The Maricopa County Republican Committee resolution, passed Jan 11 by a 1,150 to 351 vote (77% approval) of the assembled county precinct committeemen. (Maricopa County is the largest county in Arizona and represents 62% of Arizona’s 1,129,845 registered Republicans.)

Senator John McCain Censured by Arizona’s Republican Leadership
As leaders in the Republican Party, we are obligated to fully support our Party, platform, and candidates. Only in times of great crisis or betrayal is it necessary to publicly censure our leaders. Today we are faced with both. For too long we have waited, hoping Senator McCain would return to our Party’s values on his own. That has not happened. So with sadness and humility we rise and declare:

Whereas Senator McCain has amassed a long and terrible record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrats, such as Amnesty, funding ObamaCare, the debt ceiling, assaults on the Constitution and 2nd amendment, and has supported liberal nominees;

Whereas this record has been disastrous and harmful to Arizona and the United States; and,

Whereas Senator McCain has campaigned as a conservative, made promises during his re-election campaigns, such as the needed and welcomed promise to secure our borders and finish the border fence, only to quickly flip-flop on those promises; and

Whereas McCain has abandoned our values and has been eerily silent against Liberals, yet publicly reprimands Conservatives in his own Party, therefore

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Arizona Republican leadership censures Senator McCain for his continued disservice to our State and Nation,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that until he consistently champions our Party’s Platform and values, we, the Republican leadership in Arizona will no longer support, campaign for or endorse John McCain as our U.S. Senator.


Other Arizona Counties:
  • Apache County Republican Resolution. Click: Click on 1-10-14 MCRC Briefs in the archives column.
  • Mohave County Republican Central Committee Resolution. Click: Click on 1-8-14 MCRC Briefs in the archives column.
  • The MCRC LD26 Rebuke & Condemnation Of Sen. John McCain. Click: Click on Archives (left hand column), then click on 2013, then click on 9-10-13 MCRC Briefs.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Beware The Man With One Gun: The Guns Of Legendary Texas Ranger Jack Bryant

Article and photos by Frank Jardim
Ranger Jack Bryant’s 1873 Winchester Saddle-Ring Carbine
Its serial number is 236032B, suggesting 1888 manufacture. This firearm was the “assault rifle” of its day. The steel-framed 1873 lever action was Winchester’s strongest and fastest action to date, and was commonly chambered in the powerful .44-40 WCF. The tapered case of the Winchester Center Fire (WCF) cartridge resisted sticking in the chamber, as black powder fouling and heat increased in fast firing. The 200-grain .44 bullet, actually closer to .427”, was propelled by 40 grains of black powder close to 1,200 fps. These handy repeaters held 10 rounds in the magazine, giving the user a tremendous amount of firepower. Bryant was already a ranger for a few years when he obtained this carbine. Rangers didn’t get paid much. and one wonders if it took him a while to get up the money to buy it, or what rifle he used before he got this one. In his violent line of work on the open frontier, the rifle, not the pistol, was the primary weapon

There is an old adage whose origin is lost to history that goes, “Beware the man with one gun for he likely shoots it very well.” I was reminded of this on a recent visit to the excellent Frazier History Museum in Louisville, Ky., whose magnificent arms and armor collection and interpretive programs are world renowned. The adage came to mind as I studied the well-worn 1873 Colt Single Action Army and 1873 Winchester carbine of Texas Ranger Robert Edward Bryant. 
The son of a U.S. Army Colonel and Spanish mother, he was born in 1866 on the lawless frontier of west Texas near Ysleta.  He would spend his entire adult life, over half a century, bringing law and order to the region of his birth.  Nicknamed Jack, he became a Texas Ranger in 1883 at the age of seventeen.  He moved in and out of ranger service with the Frontier Battalions until 1898. When he wasn’t riding with the Texas Rangers, he was a Constable for Precinct 2 in Ysleta, an El Paso County Deputy Sheriff, and a Deputy U.S. Marshall.  He spoke both English and Spanish fluently. Near the end of his career in the 1930s, he acted mostly as an interpreter for the department.  He died in 1940 at age 74, twelve days after he retired.
In the 21st century, it’s rare for any law enforcement officer to fire their weapon in the line of duty. When they do, it can be the end of their careers as they are subjected to investigations and reviews to determine if their actions were justified.
Ranger Jack Bryant’s 1873 Colt Single Action Army Pistol
In 4¾-inch barrel length, this version was the fastest handling of Colt’s famous “Peacemakers.”  This .44-40 WCF caliber pistol is serial number 111323 and was made in 1884, the year Bryant began his 57-year law enforcement career. Colt marketed the pistol in .44-40 WCF caliber so their civilian buyers could have a pistol and long arm in the same caliber, simplifying ammunition requirements on the frontier.  

By comparison, in the late 1800s when Jack Bryant was a lawman, it was impossible not to fire his weapons in the line of duty.  The Texas Ranger Frontier Battalions of which he was a part were often the only significant law enforcement entities preventing criminals from acting with impunity outside the few established towns. The criminal element did not fear the courts, the laws, or attorneys, or being sued. They feared being shot and killed by men like Jack Bryant. 
To put it in perspective, in El Paso in 1893, a year that Jack Bryant happened to be a deputy sheriff there, an arrest was made about every 15 minutes. The historical record shows El Paso at this time was a den of saloons and vice that attracted an unsavory element as well as outright criminals. The Frazier Museum staff let me inspect some of the arrest warrants Bryant executed.  Most of the sample I reviewed were for the arrest of suspects accused of illegally carrying firearms in El Paso.  That’s dangerous work anytime, but apparently Bryant was the man for the job. 
Bryant managed to survive to die of old age, which is pretty remarkable in his line of work. He was involved with at least one major gun battle, and I’m sure there were many more that weren’t recorded. His daughters, who donated his weapons to posterity, indicated that they were the only ones he owned in his career and there was other evidence to support this in the museum’s files.  They show wear from long use in the field. I speculate that Bryant must have been very good to do what he did for as long as he did. 

Texas Rangers of Company D in Camp, 1893, near Ysleta, Texas
Jack Bryant is on the far right of the photograph. The carbine he’s holding appears to be  the same make and model as the piece on display at Frazier Museum.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

EXCLUSIVE! Online interview with The Gunny on his new book, obesity, PETA and political correctness

Jan 2014 Gunny
Our January issue of Western Shooting Journal features an interview with R. Lee Ermey, aka The Gunny, about his new book, the Second Amendment, the military, and acting. We also interviewed him about politics, and that bonus interview is featured here. You can pick up a copy of the magazine with the primary interview at grocery stores and gas stations in the Western states. Or, order a subscription or call us and order a copy. The Gunny is best known for his role as a Gunnery Sergeant in the movie Full Metal Jacket. He has also starred in many other movies, including Apocalypse Now, Fletch Lives and two of the recent Texas Chain Saw Massacres, which he wrote. He is a spokesman for the U.S. Marines Corps and a tireless advocate for veterans. 

Gunny-bookR.A. Tell us a little about your new politically incorrect book, Gunny's Rules: How to Get Squared Away Like a Marine.

R.L.E. The book is all about my opinions on the evolution of this country, where we’re going and the shortcomings of what’s going on. And I do have one chapter “Sh** that pisses me off.” That’s a pretty fun chapter. I don’t put anything past the government these days. The most terrifying part about what’s going on right now, is I can’t believe the government is actually going to be in charge of our healthcare. Boy do they have us by the gonads now. It’s like Canada. It’s against the law for Canadians to go outside of the country and seek healthcare, any kind of medication or medical help. They have to stay there and obey the government, and even though the government healthcare is substandard, they can’t seek healthcare elsewhere. Is that frightening? Who’d they put in charge of our healthcare, the IRS? Targeting conservatives. The logical conclusion to that is life saving operation for a conservative? Deny. Do we honestly believe they’re so honorable they wouldn’t do anything like that? I am really tired of people in society who are parasites. People who refuse to support their families and put them on welfare is aggravating to me. We’re neutering our young boys. Back when I was growing up as a kid, we never had bullying problems. Now, you can’t turn on the TV until you hear about someone bullying to the point of suicide. Back in my time, we stood up for ourselves and were allowed to defend ourselves. Stop being a passive pussycat. I don’t see anything wrong with defending oneself. Everybody gets a trophy now. When are we going to start teaching our chlidren to lose gracefully? They can’t cope. I have a buddy who volunteered to coach a girls’ soccer team. They worked hard every weekend. He made them sweat. Well, at the first game, because the girls worked hard, they were three goals up on the opposing time. The principal came over to him and told him his girls needed to back down and let the other team score a little. He said he couldn’t, he’s teaching them to be winners. The principal told him not to come back anymore. gunny2

When are we going to learn? Why are we raising a bunch of wimps? They’ve never lost at anything. They graduate from high school and they go out for a job interview and they don’t get it, what are they going to do? They’re going to put a gun in their mouth abnd blow their brains out. I admit, none of us like to lose, least of all me. Marine Corps taught us if we lose, we die. Nothing earned, always given, where’s their incentive to do anything in their lives? They’re going to get the same paycheck and same trophy as everyone else whether they earned it or not. Why even show up, just mail the trophies. What messaage are we sending to our children? Shut up, get in step, comrade. I’m so upset with society and government. I hired a girl Friday to help me out, I paid her $10/hour for 40 hours a week, and got her off of welfare. But when she got off welfare, the government took her free childcare away from her. So she quit, since she had to pay for babysitting. She was making more on welfare than I was paying her! We hate welfare families in this country making upwards of $30,000 per year, plus food stamps. Where is their incentive to go out and get a job? If I didn’t have a job right now, I would guarantee you within a week I would find a job. Now I might not be the bank president, but I would have a job, no question in my military mind about it. I would continue to look until I find a job that paid more. Doesn’t mean I would be happy with it. I would be responsible and make a good wage. Now the government says let’s put the kids on mom and dad’s health insurance until they’re 26 years old. They don’t even realize that mom and da’ds insurance policy just went up a couple hundred dollars a month. Already strapped mom and dad. Why not age 40? I think your parents should support you until you die.

When I was a kid, we started our day off with the Pledge of Allegiance. We would stand up, lock our heels, put our right hand over our heart and say the Pledge. I’m a Methodist, I don’t care what religion you are, I have tremendous respect for you. But because there’s just one atheist in the class that has a complaint, then why does he or she get to set the rules? This is America, last I checked, let’s go burn flags, protest that. There are rules and regulations on the books that I think are stupid. I drive a convertible and get ticketed for not having a seatbelt on. Next they’ll start requiring seatbelts on motorcycles. The last thing you want to do is stay with the convertible if there’s an accident. The judge wouldn’t even entertain any kind of a rebuttal. I don’t want to be a socialist nor live in a socialist country. I’m terrified that’s the direction the country is headed in. It’s going to break my heart if I have to leave this country. It’s not good for me, it’s not good for my kids. I work hard for a living. I don’t want to share everything with people that are sick and lazy. I’ll be damned if I support them. These young people that are 26 living with mom and dad still, they claim they want to find jobs but they just can't find a job. You realize that 70-75% of the people age that attempt to go into the military are not eligible because of drug problems, juvenile records, or physical disabilities. When you see that young man or young lady walking through the airport with the uniform on, they are the top 25% of our youth today. You better go up and thank them for your freedom.

R.A. In an interview you did with us a year ago, you talked about hunting overseas in Africa and various countries, passionate about conservation. Any thoughts on that over the past year?

R.L.E. PETA is destroying Africa’s second largest industry. It’s a shame since those countries are so poor. People are starving to death. The only way they eat is if a hunter goes over and kills the beasts. The village elders and youngsters will skin and process the meat. Nothing is wasted, even the bones. I shot an elephant, and 45 minutes later the only thing left of that elephant was a dark stain on the ground. It cost me $25,000 to shoot an elephant. The villagers get a portion of that money, and that keeps them from poaching. Right now you see these posters of elephant babies in airports, which say endangered species. The truth is the professional hunters are complaining because the elephant population is so large they’re devouring everything edible in the bush, so now the elephants are starving to death. A more humane death would be shot by a bullet. There is an overpopulation oif the elephants. The government knows how to count them from the air and figure out how many need to be taken out. They know how many the land will. Someone like me goes for the old elephant with the tusks. Old and useless, not breeding. When a lot of those government hunters go out, they shoot mommies and babies, closest to the truck, because it’s the easiest. Does PETA know this? They must. Why doesn’t PETA know this? PETA would rather have the governments go out and thin the herds by their notoriously lazy methods. PETA should be encouraging the white great hunter to go to Africa and spend his money and support the villages and wildlife conservation.

R.A. What do you think about the First Lady’s efforts to reduce obesity?

R.L.E. Michelle Obama hasn’t done anything about obesity. I’ve watched them remove part of a house in order to remove a very large man out of his house after he died. His mother fed him, and obviously they were on welfare and drawing food stamps. What’s even more disgusting is to walk through any department store; Walmart, Kmart, etc., and see two fat parents with fat children under the ages of 7 and 8. They are destroying the lives of those kids, not only their own. When I hit 65, I quit working out. I relaxed and gained 35 pounds. I got to thinking, I realized that if you go into the supermarket and you pick up five 1-gallon jugs of milk, there’s 35 pounds. Can you imagine carrying five 1-gallon jugs of milk around all day? Appearances do matter. Fat people look like lazy people. If you walk down to the drug store, you realize there are thousands of diet pills. I couldn’t find one gain weight pill. There are billions of dollars spent on weight control. People can’t tell me they are happy they are obese. Go to the smorgasbord down here, pay $7 and eat all you want, you’re gonna eat twice as much as if you were at home or at a sit-down restaurant. That’s like food stamps, it’s free. People have no discipline. They can say all they want about glands and metabolism slowing down, I suppose you could call your mouth a gland. When fit people are on welfare for more than six months, I look at that as cruel as stealing out of the church plate. That money was meant for people who are disabled and not able to work. Yet the government promotes it. They’re out there like they’re recruiting people to get on welfare and food stamps. I’m disgusted with government, not only the liberals, I’m just as disgusted with the conservatives, I’m an Independent and can go either way. I don’t vote for the party, screw the party, I go with the guy who is going to do the best for this country. They forgot who pays the bills.

I’m equal opportunity. I’m disgusted with everybody. Clean house and fire them all. What happened to the George Washingtons, the Abraham Lincolns, the people who really cared? Professional politicians are disgusting. I can’t think of a more disgusting group than lawyers. We need to get this country turned around. We need to have a Tea Party, dump some tea into the ocean. It’s a beautiful country we’re wasting. Why are we giving foreign aid to countries that hate our guts? 60% of my money goes to the government. They’re wasting all of my money, it goes to waste. Afghanistan. People that hate our guts. We give billions of dollars away every year. Their leaders must be really snickering. They think we’re a bunch of real idiots. It’s all about the things that need to be fixed in this country. We need to fix them quickly. God help us if Hillary gets in there next time, because we will never recover then, it will be way too late. They’ve been promising us that we can keep our healthcare. There are people with cancer that have been pulling their fair load, and they’re the ones who are suffering so we can provide healthcare to those who don’t work. 

The left doesn’t want anybody to have an ID card to vote, because they say there’s no problem. How come so many people voted last time? I have a way to solve that problem. My question is, how did those old people cash their Social Security or welfare checks? I’m a firm believer they can set up a little photography stand right there at every polling place, and if you don’t have an ID card, they can take your photo and produce an ID card – it would take about two minutes. That would solve the problem. There was a person here in California who followed a bus around full of people from one polling place to another, as they voted more than once at each location. Does that tell you that we don’t need a photo ID card to vote? We will never get another conservative in the White House if we don’t clean this up. That ID card will eliminate them going to another polling place and voting.

It’s a simple thing. It’s been nose to the grindstone ever since, and I work constantly. I am almost 70 years old and I retired a damn long time ago. I’ve been paying into Social Security since I was 13. We can’t all quit working. I finally went on Medicare, and am now paying twice as much as I was for healthcare through the Actor’s Guild. It’s because of the amount of money I make, it’s an equalization program. I’ve been successful simply because I’ve been at the right place at the right time, and I’m also a hard worker. I have just as many strikes against me as those on welfare, so there’s no excuse for them. Why am I 70 years old and still working my butt off, when they’re sitting on their duffs at age 40? I’ve been approached twice by people trying to sell me their food stamps. Our government keeps putting up with it.

R.A. What are you up to lately, any future plans to share with our readers?

R.L.E. Working! I work constantly and attend Marine Corps birthday balls. We celebrate the Marine Corps birthday every weekend during November. Every four years I would go to Okinawa, Japan and do Marine Corps balls. Last count, I had done 287 and that was a few years ago. I qualify for the Guinness World Records. I have perfect vision. There are few 70-year-olds who can still read the newspaper. It’s probably because I’ve been shooting my whole life. My eyes are exercised all the time.

Here are the questions we asked The Gunny in the January issue - pick up a copy now to read what else he had to say!

R.A. Any reflections to share with our readers on acting in Full Metal Jacket?

R.A. What advice would you give to young men and women considering military service and/or acting?

R.A. You’re known for your mostly military roles in movies. You’re obviously an extremely talented actor; what prompted you to go into acting after serving in the Marines?

R.A. Any of your movies that Gunny fans might not know about that you’d recommend they watch?

R.A. What are some of your favorite guns and why?

R.A. How did you become such a strong Second Amendment supporter?

R.A. Do you ever have hostile encounters with the gun control lobby or anti-hunting zealots?

R.A. You’ve generously done so much charitable work there is too much to list here. Is there anything in particular you can highlight for our readers?

R.A. What do you like to do for fun, if you have any free time outside of all the work/charity work you are doing?

R.A. I know you’ve said you don’t want to run for public office, but you are very influential. Can we expect to see you in politics in any fashion, maybe political talk shows?

R.A. Folks can meet you at SHOT Show, where you’ll be at some of your sponsorship booths (and hopefully stop by ours!) Where else can they meet you during the year? (e.g. NRA convention)

Monday, January 20, 2014

I will be on the NRA's Cam & Co. radio show at 2:20 PST today to discuss SHOT Show

Check out my interview this afternoon with Cam & Co. today discussing last week's massive SHOT Show. Read my article about SHOT Show and the politics involved here. Listen live here at 2:20.

SHOT Show: The Last Bastion of Growing Conservatism

With Ted Nugent at SHOT Show

Last week, I attended the largest gun and outdoors show in the world; the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show. The annual Las Vegas event is so huge that only those who work in the industry are allowed to attend. The show doesn't receive much mainstream news coverage because the left-wing media doesn't want the public to know how many patriotic Americans are in the gun industry. Attendance increases every year, with 67,000 attending this year. There were 1,600 exhibitors, and over 400 companies were waitlisted.

Conservatives have been losing ground in virtually every area in politics except the Second Amendment. Increasing violence and an expanding, more intrusive government have made Americans concerned about their safety. The Democrats' policies and values have resulted in generations of kids with behavioral problems, leading to more criminals as the kids become adults. The Obama administration's spying under the NSA, targeting of the Tea Party using the IRS and apparent stockpiling of ammunition have made more Americans afraid of their government.

Despite the tension between law-abiding Americans and our current government, law enforcement has a friendly and huge presence at SHOT Show, spanning hundreds of booths. While big city “desk chiefs” may not have a good relationship with the gun industry, since they are generally appointees of liberal Democratic mayors, virtually everyone else in law enforcement does. The only evidence of friction observed at SHOT Show took place at the BATF booth. A wisecracking attendee placed a Molon Labe bumper sticker over the BATF's sign. Molon Labe means “come and take,” allegedly said by King Leonidas I at the Battle of Thermopylae in response to the Persian army's demand that the Spartans turn over their weapons.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sen. John McCain censured by Maricopa County GOP leadership today

Vote tally: - 1150 for censure - 351 against censure

77% to 23%.

The resolution was drafted by Precinct Committeeman Tim Schwartz, who can be reached at (623) 937-8077 or alive_kicking - at -
Mohave County and Apache County also voted to censure McCain.
An excerpt from the resolution - 

Whereas Senator McCain has amassed a long and terrible record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrats, such as Amnesty, funding for ObamaCare, the debt ceiling, assaults on the Constitution and 2nd amendment, and has continued to support liberal nominees;
Read the full resolution here

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Precinct Committeemen to vote on censuring John McCain this Saturday, Jan. 11

Received this from a PC sponsoring the resolution to censure John McCain that will be presented at the Maricopa County GOP meeting:

Hello fellow Republican Leader:

Here's what we need:
1. Make sure you attend the Mandatory meeting - Saturday Jan. 11th!
2. Make sure every conservative PC you know also attends!
3. Be sure to stay at the meeting after the vote for important petition signing.

As I'm sure you're aware of by now, because you are a Precinct Committeeman, on Saturday you will have the opportunity to vote to hold one of our State's highest leaders accountable for his continued misdeeds. This is critically important. Bad behavior must not go unchecked.

Attached to this email you will find a copy of the Resolution you will vote on Saturday. Please read it and resolve to do something about it! ~ Attend the meeting, vote, and then stay to sign the petition.

As with everything, some will agree, some will not.

If you agree with the Resolution, simply show up and vote.

We hope we can get your support. After reading the Resolution (attached) your thought may be that it won't do any good... Senator McCain will not heed our demand for correction. He may, but most likely he will not. Still, there is a huge benefit! If most of the leaders in the Republican Party sign the petition in support of the Resolution, this will become a "newsworthy" item, the Nation will then be put on notice that Arizona's leaders have asked for change. Just as many other States began to create laws regarding illegal immigration AFTER Arizona took the lead in doing so, we are hopeful that large numbers of petition signatures will have a positive effect in making our voices finally heard.
Please be sure to attend the Mandatory meeting on Saturday!
Spend time this week convincing other PCs you know that they must attend as well!

Maricopa GOP leadership poised to censure John McCain

I have just received this censure resolution that is about to be brought in front of the Maricopa County GOP leadership for a vote. Am told it has a very good chance at passing.

Senator John McCain Censured by Arizona’s Republican Leadership

As leaders in the Republican Party, we are obligated to fully support our Party, platform, and its candidates. Only in times of great crisis or betrayal is it necessary to publicly censure our leaders. Today we are faced with both. For too long we have waited, hoping Senator McCain would return to our Party’s values on his own. That has not happened. So with sadness and humility we rise and declare:

Whereas Senator McCain has amassed a long and terrible record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrats, such as Amnesty, funding for ObamaCare, the debt ceiling, assaults on the Constitution and 2nd amendment, and has continued to support liberal nominees;

Whereas this record has been disastrous and harmful to Arizona and the United States; and,

Whereas Senator McCain has campaigned as a conservative and made promises during his re-election campaigns, such as the needed and welcomed promise to secure our borders and finish the border fence, only to quickly flip-flop on those promises; and

Whereas McCain has abandoned our core values and has been eerily silent against Liberals, yet publicly reprimands Conservatives in his own Party, therefore

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Maricopa County Republican leadership censures Senator McCain for his continued disservice to our State and Nation, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that until he consistently champions our Party’s Platform and values, we, the Republican leadership in Arizona will no longer support, campaign for or endorse John McCain as our U.S. Senator.